"Alte weiße Männer stinken": Ex-Bundesrichter scheitert mit Klageerzwingung
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Es handele sich bei dem Spruch um einen Diskussionsbeitrag, mit dem nicht ernsthaft die Gruppe der "alten weißen Männer" ausgegrenzt werden sollte, meint das OLG Nürnberg.
#bayern #feminism #nurnberg #patriarchat #volksverhetzung
18h ago
I Rejected Cooking in the Name of Feminism—Until I Had to Feed Myself
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I grew up thinking my feminism was a reaction to my kitchen-bound mom. Only later did I realize she cooked so I could be free.
#Food #family #cooking #culture #feminism
14h ago
Global Affairs Canada’s millions to promote imperial ‘feminism’ in Africa — The Canada Files
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Written by: Marthad Umucyaba Canadian foreign minister Melanie Joly, along with Global Affairs Canada, have repackaged colonialism towards Africa under the guise of a “feminist foreign policy”, which activists such as Tamara Lorincz have skewered as a complete farce . Millions of dollars will be
#nato #africa #feminism #colonialism #unitednations #misinformation
on Sep 6