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From thecyberexpress.com

Cloudflare DNS Resolver Hit by BGP Hijack

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Cloudflare’s privacy-first public DNS resolver service was hit by two simultaneous BGP issues recently, resulting in an unintentional BGP hijacking

#bgp #isp #internet #networks #security #cybersecurity #firewalldaily #thecyberexpress #internetsecurity #CyberSecurityNews

13h ago

From thecyberexpress.com

Threat Actors Exploit Microsoft SmartScreen Vulnerability: Cyble Researchers

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Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) researchers have uncovered an active campaign exploiting a Microsoft SmartScreen vulnerability to inject infostealers

#cyble #microsoft #threatactors #firewalldaily #cyberattacknews #thecyberexpress #CyberSecurityNews #informationstealer #threatintelligence #thecyberexpressnews

12h ago

From thecyberexpress.com

RockYou2024: Massive 10-Billion Password Leak Raises Credential Stuffing Concerns

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Security researchers are scrambling to assess the fallout from a massive leak of stolen passwords, dubbed "RockYou2024." Uploaded to a

#databreach #darkwebnews #rockyou2024 #passwordleak #firewalldaily #databreachnews #thecyberexpress #CyberSecurityNews #thecyberexpressnews

17h ago