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From bbc.com

Simon Boas, aid worker: I'm as happy as I've been in my life

4 4

Simon, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year, offers his reflections on life and death on Radio 4's Today programme.

#bbc #News #life #press

5h ago

From wordpress.com

Linux: Ecstasy and Agony Of Living With It

2 2

TL;DR This is NOT a pure tech post nor I intended to. Well, Linux has been in the mainstream for a couple of decades, in case, you failed to realize it. And full-time living with it has some major …

#life #linux #kernel #software #opensource

17h ago

From marionsmumblings.online

Be Your Own Light! - Marion's Mumblings

1 1

Let's start the morning by turning on a light - the light within your heart, the light within your soul. However, if you're feeling a bit down today, then let me show you the many ways to relight that fire within you. At times it may seem difficult or even impossible, however, we are often the...

#blog #life #attitude #philosophy #psychology #beingpositive

1h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Asking for food substitutions at a Japanese restaurant

1 1

If you're vegetarian, vegan or have some kind of allergy, then knowing how to ask about what you're eating is an essential skill to have.

#life #jlptn4 #jlptn5 #nihongo #language #vocabulary

7h ago

From businessinsider.jp

梅雨の間にお腹を絞りたい…! 自宅でできる腹筋トレーニング5選

1 1


#life #businessinsider #ライフハッカー

7h ago

From youtube.com

Australian Crawl - Reckless

1 1

(HQ digital stereo remaster) This is a classic Aussie song from 1983, in full with no titles. Other versions on Youtube are low quality, titled, or have a t...

#life #ptsd #jeans #salvos #morning #birthday #earrings #thrifted #estranged #goodsammy

9h ago

From rons-home.net

Thought #72 :: Thought Of The Day :: Personal Growth :: Living Life Lab :: Ron's Home

1 1

Each day www.Rons-Home.net shares a thought to promote reflection and introspection. Are you looking for personal growth? Check in here.

#life #change #direction

15h ago

From tumblr.com

Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse

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The fate of fire depends on wood; as long as there is wood below, the fire burns above. It is the same in human life; there is in man likewise a fate that lends power to his life. And if he succeeds...

#fate #life #IChing #quotes #harmony

16h ago

From wordpress.com

Einstein aveva ragione! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAojk1JIIFRJInbZWzyg9kA

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#crescitapersonale #motivazione #successo #psicologia #cambiamento #coaching #coach #crescita #motivation #formazione #ispirazione #uomosicuro #sicurezza #dipendenza #obiettivi #fingere #benessere …

#life #vita #amore #coach #fingere #coaching #crescita #felicita #successo #autonomia

21h ago

From xinsights.co.uk

Unleash Your Inner Spirit: How Getting Creative Can Be Your Secret Weapon To A Happy Life - X INSIGHTS

1 1

Here's the geeky bit: when you get creative, your brain does a little happy dance. It enters a state called "flow," where you're completely absorbed in the mom

#art #life #creativity #selfdevelopment #selfimprovement

23h ago

From xinsights.co.uk

What is Art? It’s More Than Meets the Brushstroke - X INSIGHTS

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Have you ever stood in a museum, mesmerized by a giant abstract painting, feeling completely lost about what it means? Or maybe you've scrolled past a mind-blo

#art #life #painting #creativity

on Wed, 4PM