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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From globalnews.ca

Good pets making a difference by volunteering at Alberta Health Services sites | Globalnews.ca

4 4

The four-legged friends have been making such a big difference that hospitals in Edmonton are now looking for more cats, dogs and even ponies to come visit.

#pets #health #alberta #edmonton #hospitals #volunteering

12h ago


From nytimes.com

Pets Can’t Stop Watching ‘Flow,’ the Oscar-Winning Cat Movie

9 11

“Flow,” a dialogue-free animated Latvian film made with open-source software, is keeping our domesticated friends riveted.

#as #cat #pet #bait #plot #flick #movie #twist #feline #movies

on Sun, 9AM


From forbes.com

Pet Flea Treatments Are Poisoning Wild Bird, New Study Finds

4 4

High levels of harmful pesticides from pet flea treatments in birds’ nests lined with animal fur is leading to the increased mortality rate of chicks.

#pets #birds #ecology #scicomm #pesticides #toxicology #ornithology #fleatreatments

18h ago


From csmonitor.com

LA area’s pets, and their owners, helped by progress in disaster response

2 3

An increase in the integration of trained volunteers with official disaster response has helped people with pets after the Los Angeles wildfires.

#la #cats #dogs #pets #wildfires

on Sat, 10AM


From medium.com

Do Pets Improve or Worsen Your Mental Health?

2 2

Depends on whether you have a secure or anxious attachment with your furry friend

#cats #dogs #pets #mentalhealth

16h ago


From mesplaisirs.com

Nos animaux âgés méritent mieux ! - Mes Plaisirs Magazine

1 1

Nos compagnons vieillissent et, comme nous, ils ont besoin d’une alimentation adaptée. Un vieux chien ou chat ne brûle pas ses calories aussi vite qu’un junior et son corps réclame des nutriments spécifiques. Alors, faut-il changer son menu ou simplement ajuster les portions ? Penchons-nous sur...

#chat #pets #chien #canada #france #quebec #animaux #mastodon

17h ago


From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#cats #paws #pets #sphynx #hairlesscats #harnesstraining

7h ago


From theguardian.com

I was crying, anxious, exhausted – why did no one warn me about the new-pet blues?

4 4

After weeks of looking forward to getting a cat, I was shocked at how miserable I was with Leo on the scene. But many cat and dog owners struggle to cope

#pets #health #lifeandstyle #mentalhealth

on Mon, 10AM


From flipboard.com

Which Dog Trainer is Right for Your Fur Kid? | Flipboard

1 1

tailwagwisdom.com - Are you overwhelmed looking for a dog trainer? Discover why a positive reinforcement trainer is your only option if you love your pup. Tail Wag Wisdom

#dog #life #pets #animals #puppies #doglovers #lifestyle #petparents #dogtraining #veterinarymedicine

15h ago


From flipboard.com

Is Your Dog Cut Out for Therapy Work | Flipboard

1 1

tailwagwisdom.com - Have you thought about doing more with your dog? Discover if your pup has the right stuff for therapy work. Tail Wag Wisdom

#dogs #life #pets #health #animals #puppies #lifestyle #dogtraining #mentalhealth

12h ago


From flipboard.com

Inside the Hidden Network Where Dog Parents Connect | Flipboard

1 1

tailwagwisdom.com - Do you have a dog parent community? A good one will have your back, help you and your dog, uplift your spirits, and even save you money. Discover how …

#dogs #life #pets #animals #puppies #doglovers #lifestyle #petparents #dogtraining

9h ago


From flipboard.com

Melt Away Stress With Your Dog | Flipboard

1 1

tailwagwisdom.com - Are you stressed? Who isn't right? Discover simple ways to destress with your dog in only a few minutes. Tail Wag Wisdom

#dogs #life #pets #health #animals #puppies #doglovers #lifestyle #dogtraining #mentalhealth

18h ago


From flipboard.com

How to Adopt A Great Foster Dog | Flipboard

1 1

tailwagwisdom.com - Are you searching for a new furry friend? Discover how to adopt a foster dog easily in this step-by-step guide. This is my tested method! Tail Wag …

#dogs #life #pets #animals #puppies #doglovers #lifestyle #petparents #dogtraining #adoptdontshop

13h ago

Showing first 14 out of 16