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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From marcelkapfer.photography

OCOLOY 2025: January - Marcel Kapfer

2 2

Looking back on the first month of my OCOLOY project and presenting my favourite images from then.

#gr #ulm #city #grist #ricoh #urban #street #fediart #grsnaps #ricohgr

19h ago


From gdanmitchell.com

Street Art, Zaragoza | G Dan Mitchell Photography

1 1

I may be misconstruing things that I do not understand, but it seems like some places in Europe tolerate graffiti and/or street art more than in the USA, and perhaps that some of it is a bit more sophisticated than the "tagging" that we see so often here. (Indeed, there is tagging in Europe —

#spain #urban #europe #street #travel #zaragoza #photogrpahy

22h ago

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