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From github.com

Release 0.3.2 · LiveFastEatTrashRaccoon/RaccoonForFriendica

1 1

What's Changed feat: add Acknowledgements screen by @AkesiSeli in #653 feat: add support for block quotes by @AkesiSeli in #597 fix: prevent crashes while loading timeline by @AkesiSeli in #601, #...

#cmp #kmp #kotlin #compose #friendica #AndroidDev #androidapp #opensource #fediverseapp #friendicadev

12h ago

From klibs.io

Klibs.io — Search 1400+ KMP libraries | JetBrains

1 1

AI-powered search engine for Kotlin Multiplatform libraries. Explore the best KMP packages, access metadata, and learn about the authors.

#kmp #Health #kotlin #khealth #software #jetbrains #Technology #multiplatform

14h ago