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From goodnewsnetwork.org

Watch This Mushroom Drive a Robot Across the Ground—We’re Not Joking

3 3

A mushroom's fungal filaments, known as mycelia, are known to carry electrical impulses in a way not too dissimilar from how human neurons.

#NewYork #biology #robotics #invention #mushrooms #happy #happynews #spreadjoy #depression #psychology

on Sep 5

From blogspot.com

Never-ending 'shroom season

1 1

Nature blog, focused on beaches, intertidal invertebrates, insects and spiders, birds, and plants of British Columbia, Canada.

#fungi #Mosstodon #mushrooms #vancouverisland

5h ago

From rinsemiddlebliss.com

Yule nap time

1 1

The best thing would be to just nap until Imbolc

#yule #mushrooms #christmastree

22h ago