5 Jahre Corona: Wie geht das weiter, Frau Dr. Šalamon?
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5 Jahre Corona-Pandemie: Was sind die aktuellen Herausforderungen, was wurde verabsäumt, was muss besser gemacht werden und wie wird sich das alles in den nächsten Jahren entwickeln? Ein Gespräch m…
#covid19 #pandemie #coronavirus
on Sat, 1AM
Germany set for massive rearmament as divide with US widens
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Germany is set to ramp up defence spending with the incoming government, saying it wants to invest hundreds of billions of euros to bolster Europe's security as US guarantees look increasingly fragile.…
#nato #otan #covid #labour #ausland #britain #chancen #england #politik #polizei
7h ago
Editorial: British anarchism in 2016 - Freedom News
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It’s hard to know where to start when writing an editorial about 2016. So much has happened in British politics that a summary piece could easily end up being just a list of uncommon events, from the rise of Corbynism and its impact on the libertarian left, to Brexit, the collapse of the Tory consensus
#nato #otan #covid #labour #ausland #britain #chancen #england #politik #polizei
7h ago
Commission unveils the White Paper for European Defence and the ReArm Europe Plan/Readiness 2030
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Today, the Commission and the High Representative have presented a White Paper for European Defence – Readiness 2030.
#nato #otan #covid #labour #ausland #britain #chancen #england #politik #polizei
on Wed, 12PM
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Kolektiva is an anti-colonial anarchist collective that offers federated social media to anarchist collectives and individuals in the fediverse. For the social movements and liberation!
#nato #otan #covid #labour #ausland #britain #chancen #england #politik #polizei
on Nov 18
Fight For a New Normal? (pre-order offer) - Freedom Press
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Edited by Jim Donaghey ISBN: 978-1-904491-44-6 176pp Freedom Press, 2024 ** Ahead of the launch of our latest title at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair on October 12th, Freedom is offering a 22% discount on pre-orders up until the day itself, and if you’re attending you can pick it up...
#nato #otan #covid #labour #ausland #britain #chancen #england #politik #polizei
on Oct 6
Kriminalität bei Jugendlichen: SPD fordert mehr Häuser des Jugendrechts
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Mit den Häusern des Jugendrechts war Baden-Württemberg Vorreiter beim Umgang mit straffällig gewordenen Jugendlichen.
#bw #pandemie #therapieangebote #jugendpsychiatrie
on Sep 6
Psychische Gesundheit: Seelische Not wie nie zuvor
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Die Krankschreibungen wegen psychischer Störungen sind so zahlreich wie noch nie
#angste #stress #burnout #medizin #pandemie #belastung #krankheit #depression #fehlzeiten #arbeitgeber
on Sep 6