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From n-tv.de

Ordner schlagen und treten auf Stadionbesucher ein

5 5

Beim EM-Achtelfinale zwischen Portugal und Slowenien kommt es zu einem gewalttätigen Zwischenfall. Ein Video zeigt, wie mehrere Ordner zwei Fans am Spielfeldrand verprügeln. Die brutalen Szenen beschäftigen nun auch die Polizei.

#gewalt #polizei #portugal #fußballem2024 #frankfurtammain

19h ago

From sapo.pt

Chat Control: 49 associações exigem que Europa retire proposta que prevê quebrar encriptação em casos de combate ao abuso de menores

2 2

As portuguesas D3, ANSOL e ISOC-PT azem parte de um grupo de mais de 40 associações de proteção dos direitos digitais e privacidade que enviaram uma carta à ...

#ue #portugal #direitosdigitais #chatcontrol

19h ago

From byteseu.com

Government wants to restore tax benefits for foreigners

1 1

Government wants to restore tax benefits for foreignershttps://sicnoticias.pt/economia/2024-07-04-governo-quer-recuperar-os-beneficios-fiscais-para-estrangeiros-c796a0eePosted by Froggrammer


1h ago

From byteseu.com

Vision | The blackmail that removed the Liberal Initiative candidate from the Lisbon City Council

1 1

Vision | The blackmail that removed the Liberal Initiative candidate from the Lisbon City Councilhttps://visao.pt/atualidade/politica/2024-07-04-a-chantagem-que-afastou-o-candidato-da-iniciativa-liberal-a-camara-de-lisboa/Posted by VicenteOlisipo


2h ago

From byteseu.com

How do I pay this parking ticket I got in Lisbon with my rental car?

1 1

How do I pay this parking ticket I got in Lisbon with my rental car?https://i.redd.it/ikw4tq66ahad1.jpegPosted by mrwanwan


3h ago

From byteseu.com

Uber 'sees no problem' with drivers not speaking Portuguese

1 1

Uber 'sees no problem' with drivers not speaking Portuguesehttps://www.rtp.pt/noticias/pais/uber-nao-ve-problema-nos-motoristas-nao-falarem-portugues_a1583695Posted by nunoluz


4h ago

From iguaria.com

Tagliatelle de Delícias e Camarões • Iguaria Receita e Culinária

1 1

Nada como acabar aquele saquinho de camarões perdido no congelador com uma massinha, não é? :D Receitas assim valem a pena e ao contrário do restaurante aqui não se corta nos

#cozinha #iguaria #receita #iguarias #portugal #receitas #culinaria #cozinhapratica #portuguesefood #cozinhaportuguesa

4h ago

From byteseu.com

EU pushes against drugs with new Lisbon-based agency

1 1

EU pushes against drugs with new Lisbon-based agencyhttps://www.euronews.com/health/2024/07/03/eu-pushes-against-drugs-with-new-lisbon-based-agencyPosted by sonasche


7h ago

From byteseu.com

Reflecting on reducing IRS now would be a “blatant” violation of the brake law

1 1

How come an AD campaign promise can't be fulfilled? I'm in shock.https://www.jornaldenegocios.pt/economia/politica/detalhe/leitao-amaro-refletir-ja-reducao-do-irs-seria-contrariar-flagrantemente-a-lei-travaoPosted by TomatilloKooky3213


9h ago

From dezeen.com

Fala Atelier designs House of Countless Windows as "a mathematical equation"

1 1

Architecture studio Fala Atelier has created an illusion of extra height by adding a large number of windows to the facade of this Lisbon home.

#all #houses #lisbon #portugal #falaatelier #residential #architecture #portuguesehouses #residentialarchitectureandinteriors

9h ago

From byteseu.com

Does anyone with knowledge of history know the origin of this coat of arms?

1 1

I've always been a history nerd and I really like Portuguese history and I recently found this coat of arms in the house of a direct member of my family and I would like to know where it comes from, so I would like someone who knows/works in the area of ​​history to answer me in the comments...


11h ago

From emsc.eu


1 1

A unique earthquake detection system: a blend of collaborative work from eyewitnesses and of data collection from seismic institutes. You felt an earthquake and want to add or see testimonies on a specific seismic event? Do you want to know if there are any earthquakes near you, or see the...

#portugal #terramoto #earthquake

13h ago

From byteseu.com

Câmara Pereira accuses PSD and CDS of “hanging up the phone” to the PPM in Lisbon City Council: “Those who treat their friends like this don’t need enemies”

1 1

Câmara Pereira accuses PSD and CDS of “hanging up the phone” to the PPM in Lisbon City Council: “Those who treat their friends like this don’t need...


15h ago

From byteseu.com

Portugal with an average of 12 deaths per day and almost 400 new cases of Covid-19

1 1

Portugal with an average of 12 deaths per day and almost 400 new cases of Covid-19https://observador.pt/2024/07/03/portugal-com-uma-media-de-12-mortes-por-dia-e-quase-400-novos-casos-de-covid-19/Posted by precisoresposta


15h ago

From byteseu.com


1 1

Missinghttps://i.redd.it/f4hnns3r7aad1.jpegPosted by dsmsdmota


16h ago

From byteseu.com

A1 cut… North South after Aveiro

1 1

As the title suggests... but why on earth didn't the authorities close the traffic and divert it off the A1?https://i.redd.it/dnxqzobvhcad1.jpegPosted by Tomato_Weary


18h ago

From emsc.eu


1 1

A unique earthquake detection system: a blend of collaborative work from eyewitnesses and of data collection from seismic institutes. You felt an earthquake and want to add or see testimonies on a specific seismic event? Do you want to know if there are any earthquakes near you, or see the...

#portugal #terramoto #earthquake

19h ago

From byteseu.com

Vítor Almeida will be the new president of INEM

1 1

Vítor Almeida will be the new president of INEMhttps://observador.pt/2024/07/03/vitor-almeida-sera-o-novo-presidente-do-inem/Posted by Unlikely_Ad6556


20h ago

From spotify.com

Modern Jesus

1 1

Portugal. The Man · Song · 2013


21h ago

From byteseu.com

Former Costa minister argues that “we had a coup d’état in Portugal” that should be taken to court

1 1

Former Costa minister argues that “we had a coup d’état in Portugal” that should be taken to...


21h ago

From byteseu.com

More and more Portuguese doctors who studied abroad are returning

1 1

More and more Portuguese doctors who studied abroad are returninghttps://www.jn.pt/2935240726/ha-cada-vez-mais-medicos-portugueses-com-curso-no-estrangeiro-a-regressar/Posted by Unlikely_Ad6556


22h ago

From gdanmitchell.com

Shop Doorway | G Dan Mitchell Photography

1 1

Like big cities everywhere, Lisbon has a great variety of neighborhoods and ways of living. There are the popular squares and avenues, in some places lined with business and expensive stores. There are tourist-centric locations. And there are side streets that you might not see unless you walk...

#Europe #Travel #lisbon #street #portugal #photography

on Wed, 4PM

From byteseu.com

Parliament approves hearing of the Attorney General of the Republic, Chega was the only one to abstain

1 1

First he refused, now he abstains. What are Chega and Ventura so afraid of? What will come of it?https://www.publico.pt/2024/07/03/politica/noticia/parlamento-aprova-pedido-be-ouvir-pgr-chega-unico-absterse-2096187Posted by Gabberino_Inyox


on Wed, 4PM

From spotify.com


1 1

Portugal. The Man · Song · 2023


on Dec 17