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From volkskrant.nl

Qatar dreigt gaskraan te sluiten als Brussel milieuwet aanneemt en boetes uitdeelt

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Qatar dreigt leveranties van vloeibaar aardgas (lng) naar de EU te staken als Brussel een nieuwe wet aanneemt die bepaalt dat grote bedrijven mensenrechten en milieunormen moeten naleven. Het plan is energieminister Saad Al-Kaabi een doorn in het oog.

#eu #lng #qatar

5h ago

From consortiumnews.com

Putin Thinks Al-Qaeda in Syria Is Reformed Too

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The Russian president has said Russia actually won in Syria because the jihadist threat is apparently ended, which was Moscow's goal all along. But he ignored what he'd previously said was the West's role in that conflict, writes Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria Special to Consortium News Russia

#U #qatar #Russia #turkey #alqaeda #history #Politics #analysis #joelauria #terrorism

7h ago

From g4media.ro

Qatarul va opri livrările de gaze spre UE dacă va fi amendat conform directivei privind diligenţa în materie de durabilitate

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Qatarul a ameninţat că va opri livrările vitale de gaze spre Uniunea Europeană, dacă statele membre vor pune în aplicare cu stricteţe o nouă directivă

#ue #qatar #știri #uniuneaeuropeana

10h ago

From globaltribune.net

A rich calendar of entertainment events, theatrical and musical performances, exhibitions and sports tournaments during September in Qatar

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Qatar is gearing up to host a series of multicultural events this September including art exhibitions, musical performances, and thrilling tournaments for sports enthusiasts.

#asia #qatar #Travel #events #culture #tourism #exhibitions #entertainment

on Sep 5