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From wdldiamond.blog

In 1968 at the Hull docks George faces harsh truths

1 1

Explore the gripping moment in 1968 at the Hull docks when George confronts Ralph after their failed chase of the Cultists.

#blog #short #shorts #fiction #reading #stories #writing #blogwriting #storytelling #readingcommunity

3h ago

From wdldiamond.blog

In a Tense Encounter at a Blackpool Shelter: Emotions Rising

1 1

In a tense encounter at a Blackpool shelter, Philip faces his estranged wife and seeks to reconcile amidst emotional turmoil.

#blog #lgbtq #short #shorts #fiction #reading #stories #writing #blogwriting #storytelling

3h ago

From openculture.com

Jane Austen Used Pins to Edit Her Manuscripts: Before the Word Processor & White-Out

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Before the word processor, before White-Out, before Post-It Notes, there were straight pins. Or, at least that's what Jane Austen used to make edits in one of her rare manuscripts. In 2011, Oxford's Bodleian Library acquired the manuscript of Austen's abandoned novel, The Watsons.

#books #regency #georgian #amreading #amwriting #bookstodon #janeausten #readingcommunity #writingcommunity

9h ago

From ronaldmcgillvray.com

Home - Ronald McGillvray

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My short horror film Storm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ An audio version of my short story Big Boy https://pseudopod.org/2007/08/04/pseudopod-049-big-boy/ Available Now – Click Cover Available Now – Click Cover My children’s fantasy novella My short horror story collection...

#book #books #horror #bookrec #reading #specfic #bookrecs #booktodon #bookstodon #whattoread

9h ago