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From cryptonews.com

CBDC is Not an International Competition: Taiwan’s Central Bank

2 2

The president of the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) stressed that CBDCs are not an “international competition.”

#cbdc #Crypto #taiwan #bitcoin #AltcoinNews #News

5h ago

From youtube.com

Shocking Defeat: NATO's Desperate Struggle as Ukraine Crumbles – Is Taiwan Next? | Gerald Celente

1 1

Gerald Celente is the Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the Trends Journal. With a 40-year track record of identifying, tra...

#us #nato #taiwan #ukraine

5h ago

From protechbro.com

Taiwan Central Bank: Denies CBDC Competition

1 1

Yang Chin-long, the director of Taiwan's central bank, stated on Sunday that the country will promptly introduce a central bank digital currency

#cbdc #Crypto #taiwan

6h ago

From bitcoin.com

Taiwanese Central Bank to Test CBDC, Not Race to It – News Bytes Bitcoin News

1 1

Taiwanese Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-long stated that the development of digital currency (CBDC) is not an international competition, and being the

#cbdc #CBDCs #taiwan #Taiwanese #newsbytes #CentralBankDigitalCurrency

7h ago

From udn.com

輝達超級電腦算力釋出 台企業、院校瘋搶結果曝 TAIDE、中鋼等皆入選 | 聯合新聞網

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經濟部公告輝達 Taipei-1算力審查結果,共有台灣AI晶片聯盟、國科會 TAIDE、中鋼、工研院等四個團隊、共有20...

#taiwan #Technology

11h ago

From ltn.com.tw

NBA》不是湖人! 合約3年近24億 德羅森轉戰國王組新三巨頭 - 自由體育

1 1

根據美媒報導指出,公牛34歲明星前鋒德羅森(DeMar DeRozan)將確定透過先簽後換後加盟國王,合約為3年7400萬美元(約新台幣23.9億)。根據《ESPN》知名記者「沃神」沃納洛斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)報導,國王先簽後換透過三方交易

#News #taiwan

11h ago

From ltn.com.tw

歐盟主管警告:輝達造成AI晶片供應「巨大瓶頸」 - 自由財經

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吳孟峰/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕《彭博》報導,歐盟競爭事務負責人瑪格麗特·維斯塔格(Margrethe Vestager)警告,輝達(NVIDIA)AI晶片供應方面造成「巨大瓶頸」,

#taiwan #Technology

11h ago

From udn.com

MLB/聽牌200轟!大谷翔平30歲第1發 5度上壘道奇2連勝 | 聯合新聞網

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#News #taiwan

11h ago

From ltn.com.tw

普廷與金正恩遭AI生成圖片惡搞! 身邊美女環繞 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報

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#taiwan #Technology

11h ago

From ltn.com.tw

天文新發現!3顆異常冷中子星顛覆現有宇宙理論 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報

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據《每日科技網》(scitechdaily)報導,歐洲太空總署(ESA)與美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)的最新觀測結果揭示了3顆異常冷的年輕中子星(Neutron Star),這一發現挑戰了現有的中子星理論模型。這些觀測結果表明,現有的許多中子星模型中僅有少數仍具有效性,這或許能將廣義相對論與量子力學理論連接起來。據報導,ESA的XMM-牛頓(XMM-Newton)和NASA的錢德拉X射線天文台(Chandra X-ray...

#News #taiwan

11h ago

From kocpc.com.tw

更多動視暴雪遊戲可能將於下個月陸續登上 Game Pass 平台 - 電腦王阿達

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就在 2022 年 1 月 18 日,微軟突然對外宣布他們計畫要以高達 687 億美元的天價收購《魔獸世界》、《暗黑破壞神》、《決勝時刻》等系列的幕後發行商動視暴雪,在經歷了將近兩年的努力後,這場規模極為龐大的收購案終於獲得了全球各大監管單位的批准,最終於 2023 年 10 月 13 日正式完成。在時隔 8

#News #taiwan

11h ago

From ltn.com.tw

日、韓大戰開打!下週 4 款新手機即將登台 - 自由電子報 3C科技

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台灣將迎來一場日韓大戰!手機大廠三星與夏普皆要於下週舉辦新手機發表會,帶來多達 4 款機型,不只有摺疊手機,還有具備「徠卡認證鏡頭」的日系手機。

#taiwan #Technology

11h ago

From taipeitimes.com

Coast guard drove away 567 Chinese boats in 6 months - Taipei Times

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Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan

#China #taiwan

19h ago

From youtube.com

Biden to host NATO leaders in Washington

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President Joe Biden is set to host NATO leaders for a three-day high-stakes gathering with the status of Ukraine topping the agenda.Subscribe to ABC News on ...

#eu #USA #News #nato #press #taiwan #ukraine #Mastodon #article7 #southkorea

21h ago

From substack.com

Crying Over Spilled Milk: my afterword to a new Taiwan translation of Jesmyn Ward

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Plus, come to my Taipei event at Bookman Books on August 17th; a dialogue on teaching and learning in prison; and book club about Claire Messud's THIS STRANGE EVENTFUL HISTORY

#taiwan #culture #ofinterest

22h ago

From auswaertiges-amt.de

Vertretungen Taiwans in Deutschland

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Hinweis: * Die Bezeichnung “Länder” in der Auswahlliste umfasst Staaten, Provinzen und Territorien. Sie spiegelt nicht die Position der Bundesregierung hinsichtlich des Status eines Landes oder einer…

#berlin #bremen #taiwan #vertretung #westsahara #Botschaften #anerkennung #deutschland

23h ago

From focustaiwan.tw

Han Kuang drills to test troops' multi-point defense capabilities: Experts - Focus Taiwan

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The military has selected 12 locations including airports and beaches which will likely be used for anti-aircraft landing drills during the live-fire component of the annual Han Kuang exercises later this month, with a focus on testing troops' multi-point simultaneous defensive capabilities in...


on Sun, 4PM