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From t.me

Phuket Island Live 🇹🇭

6 37

A look at Phuket Island and its surroundings... Just photos and videos, sometimes news...

#ad #car #Kata #birds #karon #rawai #tours #nature #rental #birdnet

on May 17

From bbc.com

Traffickers’ tactics: Rare plants disguised as toys and ivory painted black

5 5

How endangered species are smuggled out of Africa and what is being done to prevent it.

#bbc #News #press #Plants #wildlife #animalrights

15h ago

From youtube.com

"Rocky", the Kit next door.

4 4

A young tamed Raccoon Kit named *Rocky* that has stayed in my neighbour's yard until tamed. I'm against encouraging them, feeding or sheltering, but at the m...

#Video #nature #racoon #raccoon #wildlife #nowplaying

3h ago

From goodnewsnetwork.org

‘Give nature space and it will come back’: Rewilding Returns Endangered Species to UK’s South Coast

3 3

Since the 2022 trawling ban, Sussex bay is back to bursting point with sea life, while behind on the hills, famers do their part.

#parks #england #tourism #goodnews #wildlife #goodearth #rewilding #marinelife #recreation #agriculture

22h ago

From theguardian.com

Hippos might fly: UK research discovers animal can get airborne

3 22

Analysis shows hippos get all four feet off the ground at once up to 15% of the time when at full pelt

#hippo #wildlife #theguardian

on Wed, 12PM

From islandinthenet.com

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) on Island in the Net

2 2

After spending several weeks in Institute Woods and the Charles H. Rogers Wildlife Refuge, I thought it might be fun to try another location. After looking at eBird I decided on the Millstone Aqued…

#birds #nature #birding #sparrow #wildlife #lensartists #songsparrow #birdwatching #birdphotography #melospizamelodia

2h ago

From zaktakespictures.com

Taking a break from catching mosquitoes

2 2

Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) Olympus E-M1 II, Panasonic 100-300 II 300mm, f/7.1, 1/400s, ISO 500

#bird #swallow #wildlife #darktable #barnswallow #urbanwildlife

3h ago

From theguardian.com

Should cuddling koalas be legal? Here’s why there’s a push to ban it in Queensland

2 3

Scores of famous faces have been snapped holding koalas in Australia over the years, but the practice is falling out of favour

#harm #koalas #captive #habitat #selfies #wildlife #Australia #amusement #Conservation #biodiversity

on Wed, 5PM

From pixels.com

Coy Pearson - Official Website

2 12

This is the website of Coy Pearson. Shop for canvas prints, framed prints, posters, greeting cards, and more. Retired soldier. I spent about 30 years in the military (USMC/Army). Also recently retired computer systems engineer. So, I'm just plain retired. I need something to do so, I decided on ph...

#ducks #americangoldfinch #bird #birds #photo #nature #birding #wildlife #photography #birdwatching

on Dec 18

From onegreenplanet.org

Bats Show Surprising Cognitive Skills, New Study Reveals

1 1

Researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) have discovered remarkable cognitive abilities in Egyptian fruit bats.

#bats #wildlife #cognition #cognitive #animalrights #AnimalStudies

15h ago

From everyaction.com

Wyoming's Wild Horses Are Under Attack: Stop BLM's WY Wild Horse Extermination Plan!

1 1

BLM is preparing its Disaster Plans to eliminate the majority of wild horses in southern Wyoming to accommodate livestock grazing. Instead of limiting livestock, BLM WY plans to zero out wild horse herds. THIS FIGHT IS NOT OVER! Join TCF in opposing this injustice.

#horses #wyoming #wildlife #animalrights

15h ago

From thefarmbuzz.com

The Dark Side of Fourth of July Fireworks | THE FARM BUZZ

1 1

Fireworks are often a common theme of 4th of July fun. Unfortunately, not everyone is thrilled when the fireworks start exploding. Fireworks can be detrimental to animals, humans, and the environment.

#wildlife #fireworks #Environment #fourthofjuly

15h ago

From onegreenplanet.org

Horses Run Free in Central London, Again

1 1

Three horses ran through the streets of central London after one was startled by a bus, causing two others to throw off their riders.

#horses #london #wildlife #animalrights

16h ago

From ualrpublicradio.org

Nature in the Natural State: Migrating Birds

1 1

Most North American bird species migrate to some extent, and most migrating birds migrate at night.

#birds #wildlife #migration

18h ago

From allencompassingtrip.com

Grizzly Bears, Grand Teton National Park. May, 2019.

1 1

Two juvenile grizzly bears at Grand Teton National Park. The one on the left is looking to its right, and the one on the right is standing on two legs.

#wildlife #photography

18h ago

From onegreenplanet.org

Plastic Pollution in Seabird Stomach Could Release Harmful Toxins, Study Finds

1 1

The research suggests that plastics ingested by birds could release toxic chemicals, potentially leading to severe health issues.

#birds #plastic #wildlife #Environment #plasticpollution

18h ago

From theguardian.com

Blackbird numbers plummet in south of England amid potential spread of virus

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Experts believe songbird is suffering from Usutu virus, first detected in UK in 2020

#birds #virus #england #wildlife

on Wed, 7AM

From sciencedaily.com

Wild chimpanzees seek out medicinal plants to treat illness and injuries

1 2

Chimpanzees appear to consume plants with medicinal properties to treat their ailments, according to a new study.

#chimps #wildlife #Chimpanzees #AnimalStudies

on Tue, 7PM