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From astrocamp.eu

Messier 42 – Orion Nebula – Astrophotography and Astronomy

1 1

The Orion Nebula is a bright diffuse nebula located in the constellation Orion, approximately 1,344 light-years away from Earth, and reaches its annual culminat

#sky #space #nature #Astrodon #clearsky #nightsky #astronomy #telescope #astrophoto #photography

20h ago

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 1 – Crab Nebula – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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Messier 1, also known as the Crab Nebula, is a supernova remnant located in the constellation Taurus, approximately 6,500 light-years away from Earth. The objec

on Mon, 8PM

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 43 - De Marian's Nebula

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Messier 43, located in the Orion constellation, is approximately 1,300 light-years away and reaches its annual culmination at astronomical midnight around mid-D

on Dec 13

From astrocamp.eu

Sharpless 236 – Tadpole Nebula – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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Sharpless 236, also known as IC 410 or the Tadpole Nebula, is an emission nebula located in the constellation Auriga, approximately 2185 light-years away from E

on Dec 11

From astrocamp.eu

Caldwell 41 – Hyades – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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The Hyades is the nearest open star cluster to our Solar System, located in the constellation Taurus, approximately 153 light-years away from Earth, reaching it

on Dec 9

From astrocamp.eu

Baader UFC Universal Filter Changer System

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During the transition from OSC to MONO astrophotography, I had to choose a filter system. I decided on the Baader UFC.

on Dec 9

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 45 – The Pleiades – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is an open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus, approximately 410 light-years from Earth, reaching i

on Dec 2

From astrocamp.eu

ToupTek SkyEye62AM - Hardware

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I chose the SkyEye62AM astrophotography camera from ToupTek Astro for my transition to mono astrophotography. My decision was primarily influenced by the Sony C

on Dec 1

From astrocamp.eu

vdB 22 – Merope Nebula – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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The Merope Nebula is a reflection nebula associated with the star Merope in the Pleiades star cluster, located in the constellation Taurus approximately 400 lig

on Nov 28

From astrocamp.eu

vdB 21 – Maia Nebula – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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The Maia Nebula is a reflection nebula associated with the star Maia in the Pleiades star cluster, located in the constellation Taurus approximately 400 light-y

on Nov 25

From astrocamp.eu

vdB 20 – Electra Nebula – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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Electra, also known as vdB 20, is a reflection nebula associated with a blue-white giant star located in the constellation Taurus, approximately 400 light-years

on Nov 23

From astrocamp.eu

MONO Astrophotography - here I come

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My decision-making process for the upcoming changes to my astrophotography equipment was lengthy and well-considered. On this page, I summarize the fundamental

on Nov 22

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 34 – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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M34 is an open cluster in Perseus, reaching its annual culmination at astronomical midnight around November 5th.

on Nov 10

From astrocamp.eu

Caldwell 14 – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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Caldwell 14, also known as the Double Cluster, is a stunning pair of open star clusters located in the constellation Perseus, appearing as two adjacent patches

on Nov 3

From astrocamp.eu

Caldwell 10 – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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NGC 663 is an open cluster located in the constellation Auriga, approximately 19,386 light-years away from Earth. This stellar object reaches its annual culmina

on Oct 29

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Messier 33 – 10/24 – Astrophotography and Astronomy

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Messier 33, also known as the Triangulum Galaxy, is the third-largest galaxy in the Local Group, following the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way.

on Oct 18

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS - C/2023 A3 - 10/24

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The Comet is a long-period comet from the Oort cloud that was discovered in early 2023 and made its closest approach to the Sun on September 27.

on Oct 18

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: NGC 6940 - Astrophotography and Astronomy

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NGC 6940 - A beautiful open star cluster in the summer constellation Vulpecula, located about 2,500 light-years away.

on Oct 17

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 31 – Andromeda Galaxy – ASTROCAMP

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The Andromeda Galaxy, is located in the constellation Andromeda 2.5 million ly away and reaches its culmination at astronomical midnight in early October.

on Oct 6

From astrocamp.eu

Map of the Moon – 09/24 – ASTROCAMP

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The first result of my "Moon Cartography Project" – further versions of my moon map may follow.

on Oct 4

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Caldwell 10 and Messier 103 – 09/24 – ASTROCAMP

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4 Open Starclusters in Cassiopeia. Caldwell 10 and Messier 103. A really beautiful frame with simply beautiful stars.

on Sep 26

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Sharpless 236 – 01/24 – ASTROCAMP

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Sh2-236 material that I originally created for a "with OWB" vs "without OWB" filter test. Somehow, it feels like a shame not to develop an image from it.

on Sep 22

From astrocamp.eu

Caldwell 34 - Western Veil Nebula - ASTROCAMP

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The Western Veil Nebula is a supernova remnant located in the constellation Cygnus, approximately 1,470 light-years away from Earth, reaching its annual culmination at astronomical midnight in early August.

on Sep 13

From astrocamp.eu

NGC 6995 - Bat Nebula - ASTROCAMP

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The Bat Nebula, a small portion of the Eastern Veil Nebula located in the constellation Cygnus approximately 2,400 light-years away, reaches its annual culmination at astronomical midnight early August.

on Sep 8

From astrocamp.eu

Sharpless 142 - Wizard Nebula - ASTROCAMP

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The Wizard Nebula, also known as NGC 7380, is a vibrant emission nebula located in the constellation Cepheus.

on Sep 7

From astrocamp.eu

Caldwell 16 - ASTROCAMP

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Caldwell 16, a moderately bright and visually appealing open star cluster with a compact angular diameter, is situated in the constellation Lacerta in the northern hemisphere. NGC 7243 is an open cluster located in the constellation Lacerta, approximately 2,800 light-years away from Earth. It...

on Sep 3

From astrocamp.eu

IC 1396A - Elephant’s Trunk Nebula - ASTROCAMP

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IC 1396A, also known as the Elephant's Trunk Nebula, is a dark globule and star-forming region located in the constellation Cepheus, approximately 2,400 light-years away from Earth, reaching its annual culmination at astronomical midnight mid August.

on Sep 1

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Stars in Cygnus - 08/24 - ASTROCAMP

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A few open star clusters—M39, NGC 7082, NGC 7062—and an asterism, NGC 7071, in the constellation Cygnus. My result after just one night.

on Aug 31

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 39 - ASTROCAMP

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Messier 39 is a large open star cluster located in the constellation Cygnus, approximately 800 light-years away from Earth. This celestial object reaches its annual culmination at astronomical midnight mid of August.Specifically around August 13th.

on Aug 28

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Sun in Solar Continuum - 08/24 - ASTROCAMP

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In August, there was quite a bit of activity on the Sun. I also tried my luck once.

on Aug 27

From astrocamp.eu

IC 5070 - Pelican Nebula - ASTROCAMP

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The Pelican Nebula is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cygnus. It is a large region of glowing gas and dust.

on Aug 26

From astrocamp.eu

Caldwell 4 - Iris Nebula - ASTROCAMP

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The Iris Nebula, also known as NGC 7023, is a reflection nebula located in the constellation Cepheus, characterized by its stunning blue hues and intricate, illuminated dust clouds.

on Aug 24

From astrocamp.eu

Caldwell 33 - Eastern Veil Nebula - ASTROCAMP

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NGC 6992 is a part of the Eastern Veil Nebula, a remnant of a Supernova located about 1,400 light-years away from Earth.

on Aug 23

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 29 - ASTROCAMP

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Messier 29 is an open star cluster located in the constellation Cygnus, notable for its relatively young stellar population.

on Aug 16

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Perseids Collage - 08/12/24 - ASTROCAMP

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A collage with 8 meteors from the Perseid meteor shower on August 12, 2024.

on Aug 15

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: The Moon - 06/29/2024 - ASTROCAMP

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If he smiles at me so warmly at bedtime, I just have to take a picture of him. - Our Moon.

on Aug 14

From astrocamp.eu


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NGC 6914 ist ein Reflexionsnebel der Teil eines größeren Nebelkomplexes ist. Dieser zeichnet sich durch seine blaue Farbe aus.

on Aug 11

From astrocamp.eu


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NGC 6914 is a reflection nebula caused by the scattering of light from hot, young stars by the dust in the nebula.

on Aug 11

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 27 - Hantelnebel - ASTROCAMP

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Der Hantelnebel (Messier 27) ist ein planetarischer Nebel im Sternbild Fuchs (Vulpecula), der etwa 1.360 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt ist.

on Aug 9

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 27 - Dumbbell Nebula - ASTROCAMP

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The Dumbbell Nebula (Messier 27) is a planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula, located approximately 1,360 light years away from Earth.

on Aug 9

From astrocamp.eu

Astrofoto: Komet 12P/Pons-Brooks - 03/24 - ASTROCAMP

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Die Entwicklung des Kometenbildes von 12P/Pons-Brooks war aufwändiger als erwartet. Ich mag das Ergebnis dennoch.

on Aug 7

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks - 03/24 - ASTROCAMP

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Processing Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was harder than expected. I still like the result.

on Aug 7

From astrocamp.eu

Astrofoto Blog - ASTROCAMP

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Astrofoto Blog. Fotografie von Naturfotos, Himmel, Sternbildern, Sternen, Nebeln, Galaxien Phänomenen des Himmels und des Weltraums.

on Jul 19

From astrocamp.eu

PU Schaum für mehr Mobilität - ASTROCAMP

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Mehr Mobilität in der Astrofotografie durch PU Schaum in der Montierungsbox.

on Jun 26

From astrocamp.eu

PU Foam for Increased Mobility - ASTROCAMP

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More mobility in astrophotography with PU foam in the mount box.

on Jun 26

From astrocamp.eu

Astrofoto: Messier 92 - 06/24 - ASTROCAMP

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Mein Astrofoto des eher selten fotografierten Kugelsternhaufens im Sternbild Herkules: Messier 92. Jetzt neu: mit Sitzungsanalyse!

on Jun 25

From astrocamp.eu

Astrophoto: Messier 92 - 06/24 - ASTROCAMP

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My astrophoto of the rather rarely photographed globular cluster in the constellation Hercules: Messier 92. Now new: with session analysis!

on Jun 25

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 13 - Hercules Globular Cluster - ASTROCAMP

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Messier 13 is an easily visible globular cluster of stars located in the constellation Hercules, approximately 25,100 light-years away.

on Jun 24

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 101 - Pinwheel Galaxy - ASTROCAMP

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Messier 101 is a spiral galaxy located about 21 million light-years away and is considered one of the brightest objects in the night sky.

on Jun 3