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From bigthink.com

Ask Ethan: How does the Universe's temperature change over time?

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Today, the deepest depths of intergalactic space aren't at absolute zero, but at a chill 2.73 K. How does that temperature change over time?

#cool #stem #space #science #astrophysics #askethan

17h ago

From bigthink.com

How the search for dinosaurs on Venus exposed a warning for Earth

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A century ago, many people thought that other planets in our Solar System had developmental stories very similar to Earth.

14h ago

From bigthink.com

Future evolution: from looks to brains and personality, how will humans change in the next 10,000 years?

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Arguably, the most interesting parts of evolution aren’t dinosaurs or Neanderthals, but what’s happening right now – and our future.

21h ago

From bigthink.com

The Shirky Principle: Why your personal trainer wants you to stay unfit

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When you're in supply, you don't want to kill your demand. The Shirky Principle explains why products won't last you forever.

on Sep 6

From bigthink.com

What created more light: the Big Bang or stars?

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The Universe has been creating stars for nearly all 13.8 billion years of its history. But those photons can't match the Big Bang's light.

on Thu, 6PM

From bigthink.com

That time Benito Mussolini declared war on Italian pasta

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To modern-day Italians, pasta is more than a food; it’s a part of their heritage the fascists could not destroy.

on Wed, 11PM

From bigthink.com

6 key abilities of strategic thinkers (you can learn them)

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“I'm often asked: “Are great strategic thinkers born, or are they made?” And my answer is always yes. Like so many human capabilities, it’s a mixture of nature, nurture and experience.”

on Wed, 10PM

From bigthink.com

Curiosity plus failure is a passport to brilliance

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Research suggests combining curiosity with failure strengthens learning and future recall once the answer is discovered.

on Wed, 4PM

From bigthink.com

How to see the comet of the century from all over the world

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Comet A3, also known as Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, has sprung to life since 2024's last equinox. Here's how to catch the show for yourself.

on Wed, 10AM

From bigthink.com

Does dark matter interact non-gravitationally at all?

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In theory, dark matter is cold, collisionless, and only interacts via gravity. What we see in ultra-diffuse galaxies indicates otherwise.

on Wed, 4AM

From bigthink.com

“Wonderbringers”: How to dissolve work-life stress with awe

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Monica Parker explains how creating opportunities for wonder can help foster a thriving, inclusive workplace.

on Wed, 1AM

From bigthink.com

Fastest spacecraft ever built to break its own speed record

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The Parker Solar Probe is about to undergo its seventh encounter with Venus on its journey towards the Sun. Here's how fast it'll go.

on Tue, 4PM

From bigthink.com

Why the ancient power of the Dao De Jing is more important than ever

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The Dao De Jing is not an instruction manual but an invitation. It's a conversation, through which the readers must discover their own way.

on Tue, 4PM

From bigthink.com

Ask Ethan: Is Earth the center of the Universe?

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In all directions, at great distances, the Universe looks younger, more uniform, and less evolved. Does that mean Earth must be the center?

on Sep 28

From bigthink.com

Your head lives a longer life than your feet do

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Time is relative, not absolute, as gravity and motion both cause time to dilate. Your head and feet, therefore, don't age at the same rate.

on Sep 26

From bigthink.com

Why hasn't JWST broken the cosmic distance record by more?

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Despite many ultra-distant galaxy candidates found with JWST, we still haven't seen anything from the Universe's first 250 million years.

on Sep 26

From bigthink.com

Richard Dawkins on reverse engineering evolution's optimal beauty

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Some believe animals evolve to be just good enough. Dawkins disagrees and shows us how to "reverse engineer" evolution's beauty and elegance.

on Sep 26

From bigthink.com

Why black widows bite so many men in the "junk"

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Black widow spiders have a history of biting men more than women, and particularly in the nether regions. Here's why.

on Sep 25

From bigthink.com

Shortest-lived quantum particles exhibit quantum entanglement, too

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LHC scientists just showed that spooky quantum entanglement applies to the highest-energy, shortest-lived particles of all: top quarks.

on Sep 25

From bigthink.com

Decoding the brain's dictionary: Scientists map how neurons encode word meanings

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A new study has created a cellular map of neurons encoding different word meanings. It also paves the way for advanced speech prostheses.

on Sep 25

From bigthink.com

JWST shows a new side of planet formation

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Just 460 light-years away, the closest newborn protostars are forming in the Taurus molecular cloud. Here are JWST's astonishing insights.

on Sep 25

From bigthink.com

Everyday Philosophy: 3 rules for discussing controversial topics

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In an age of flag-waving, snarling tribalism we need rules, more than ever, to help us to have meaningful and civil conversations.

on Sep 23

From bigthink.com

How to fight the "tyranny of small decisions"

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One swallow does not a summer make, but a lot of small actions can have a huge effect. Here are three ways we can avoid a common mistake.

on Sep 22

From bigthink.com

Athlete vs. grandmaster: The psychology of decision-making

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How psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky cracked open behavioral economics and enlightened all our choices.

on Sep 22

From bigthink.com

Ask Ethan: Does space require dark energy in order to exist?

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It's possible to remove all forms of matter, radiation, and curvature from space. When you do, dark energy still remains. Is this mandatory?

on Sep 21

From bigthink.com

Sara Imari Walker: Using physics to rethink the definition of life

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"Life as No One Knows It" explores Assembly Theory, a framework that measures molecular complexity in an effort to define life.

on Sep 21

From bigthink.com

Hidden variable alternative to quantum spookiness fails

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Do we actually live in a deterministic Universe, despite quantum physics? An alternative, non-spooky interpretation has now been ruled out.

on Sep 19

From bigthink.com

How Greek surnames reveal their geographic origins

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Discover the hidden stories behind Greek surnames and how they trace family origins — starting with the name of a would-be U.S. president.

on Sep 19

From bigthink.com

Why we'll never shoot Earth's garbage into the Sun

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It would get rid of our hazardous, radioactive, and pollutive waste for good, but physics tells us it's a losing strategy for elimination.

on Sep 19

From bigthink.com

Business “immortality” and the art of focus

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In a world of distractions, several remarkable companies show why focus is the ultimate strategy for endurance.

on Sep 19

From bigthink.com

Longest, strongest black hole jets of all-time discovered

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With the discovery of Porphyrion, we've now seen black hole jets spanning 24 million light-years: the scale of the cosmic web.

on Sep 18

From bigthink.com

Everyday Philosophy: Freud and the Buddha debate what to do about desire

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Buddhism teaches we should get rid of our desires as a source of suffering. But how possible is that and what will it do to us?

on Sep 17

From bigthink.com

The "Rule of Saint Benedict": A medieval blueprint for modern time management

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Big Think spoke to the bestselling author Oliver Burkeman on the surprising connection between his work and some 6th-century monks.

on Sep 17

From bigthink.com

London Business School professor explains how to improve your critical inquiry skills

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“People will claim that something is rigorous because it's by an authority figure or it's written in a book. But anyone can write a book.”

on Sep 17

From bigthink.com

What JWST found in the extreme outer Milky Way

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Almost all of the stars, planets, and interesting physics happens in the inner portions of galaxies. Is that conventional wisdom all wrong?

on Sep 17

From bigthink.com

"Hopeful skepticism": The cure for cynicism and how to apply it

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Stanford psychologist Jamil Zaki discusses the dangers of cynicism and how skepticism can invigorate our relationships and communities.

on Sep 16

From bigthink.com

Ask Ethan: Could a "copy" of me exist in the Multiverse?

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Within our observable Universe, there's only one Earth and one "you." But in a vast multiverse, so much more becomes possible.

on Sep 14

From bigthink.com

Global warming makes hurricanes stronger, but less frequent

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The laws of physics aren't changing. But the Earth's conditions are different than what they used to be, and so are hurricanes as a result.

on Sep 13

From bigthink.com

The overlooked philosophy that could shed light on reality's deepest mysteries

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By centering the role of experience, we may uncover fresh insights on the fundamental structure of reality.

on Sep 12

From bigthink.com

Why the electron's mass is vital to life in the Universe

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Most fundamental constants could be a little larger or smaller, and our Universe would still be similar. But not the mass of the electron.

on Sep 12

From bigthink.com

10 insights about the expanding Universe from a Nobel Laureate

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In the expanding Universe, different ways of measuring its rate give incompatible answers. Nobel Laureate Adam Riess explains what it means.

on Sep 11

From bigthink.com

More humans should learn to speak "Doggish"

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Owners frequently attempt to get their pet dogs to learn human language, but it's high time more humans learned "Doggish."

on Sep 11

From bigthink.com

Zero: The key to understanding everything?

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From nothing to everything: How zero changed our understanding of the universe, forever

on Sep 10

From bigthink.com

The "Peter Principle": Why most companies are filled with people out of their depth

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Companies promote their most competent workers. But what happens when you promote someone to a point they're no longer good at their job?

on Sep 10

From bigthink.com

JWST finds distant galaxy with "impossible" light signature

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Hydrogen emission lines have never been seen earlier than 550 million years after the Big Bang. So why does JADES-GS-z13-1-LA have one?

on Sep 9

From bigthink.com

How math brings order to our universe

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Statistician Talithia Williams on how math is the clearest path to understanding our existence.

on Sep 7

From bigthink.com

Starts With A Bang Podcast #109 - Launching a galactic cone

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Galactic activity doesn't just arrive when supermassive black holes feast on matter. Before, during, and after all create fascinating signs.

on Sep 7

From bigthink.com

Math is art. Here’s how to appreciate it that way.

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What would the world be like if we focused on “the inherent beauty of math,” rather than its technical aspects? A statistician reflects:

on Sep 7

From bigthink.com

Why do we count the Universe's age from 13.8 billion years ago?

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The Universe is 13.8 billion years old, going back to the hot Big Bang. But was that truly the beginning, and is that truly its age?

on Sep 7

From bigthink.com

Ask Ethan: Could we determine if UAPs/UFOs are aliens?

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Although a great many unidentified sights have been seen in the skies, none have conclusively demonstrated the presence of aliens. So far.

on Sep 6