The Tyranny of Anthropocentric Asking
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Hello 2025. LA has burnt, like other places have burnt. Tenuous ceasefires have been suggested in horrific genocidal conflicts while some participants get some quick bombing in before the deadline.…
#disabled #davidlynch #disability
10h ago
When Winter Comes We Go To The Underground Smokehouse
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Masking is lesser than hiding –It holds positionCharacter carved and shaped Into immobile mien –Persona manufacturedIdentity found in isolationStamped in self-similar replication But be…
on Nov 6
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OK, so I’m writing this on the 5th of November, and Hallowtide has mostly ended, but still — there’s a chill in the air (finally). Tonight, no doubt there’ll be fireworks fl…
on Nov 5
Building (in)Capacities: Or, Glamours of (Dis)ability
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There is no exit strategy. I was at a virtual event the other weekend, where the phrase “building capacities” was used. Almost immediately – spastically – my twisted, uspide…
on Jun 23
Dis/nomers: On misnomers, magic-metaphors, and life in general
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So, here’s the thing: a lot of societal and cultural metaphors around magic and occultism are in the so-called West, frankly, bad and a product of the imprecisions in the English language abo…
on Feb 10