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From collapse2050.com

Why We Failed

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How we foresaw yet ignored the collapse of civilization

#denial #collapse #capitalism #psychology #CrashCourse #TalkCollapse

10h ago

From collapse2050.com

Collapse: A Timeline

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What to expect decade-by-decade

on Mon, 6PM

From collapse2050.com

How Billionaires Manipulate the Public

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What changed during the 20th century to cause this?

on Nov 24

From collapse2050.com

Remember Happy?

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For a brief moment in time, I was carefree and excited about life. I suspect many others feel the same way about their own pasts. For me, this period was the 1990s. Perhaps I'm biased because of my age, but I sometimes refer to the 1990s as "peak humanity." The

on Nov 16

From collapse2050.com

Our Last Shot: Failed

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For a moment in time, it felt like we had a chance

on Sep 16

From collapse2050.com

They Knew and Chose to Kill Us Anyway

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When judgement day arrives

on Sep 4

From collapse2050.com

As Time Runs Out: Living with Purpose on the Edge of Collapse

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Prioritize what truly matters before it's too late

on Aug 14

From collapse2050.com

The First Rule of Collapse

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Why we don't talk about the elephant

on Jul 18

From collapse2050.com

Guest Post: What’s Our Disease?

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Humanity is acting like a disease. But humanity isn’t a disease; humanity has a disease.

on Jul 4

From collapse2050.com

How Far Will You Go to Survive?

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Cannibalism, infanticide, pet slaughter

on Jun 26

From collapse2050.com

Collapse and Capitalism

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You've probably heard this before. A friend recently suggested to me that capitalism is the "cure" for climate change and other systemic risks to the biosphere. His argument was that the profit motive will incentivize businesses and individuals to innovate our way out of this mess. I understand why he

on Apr 5

From collapse2050.com

Why Media Ignores the Coming Disaster

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Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist

on Mar 27

From collapse2050.com

Our Fascist Future

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Fascism is once again rising around the world. The environment is ripe for strongmen and dictators to consolidate power over the masses. Yet, while many see what is unfolding and are aware of the dangers, as a society we are choosing fascism.

on Dec 10, 2023

From collapse2050.com

Corporations Did More to Kill Us Than AI Ever Will

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We built a single minded AGI-like entity - the corporation - to pursue money. The decisions corporations made in pursuit of this goal have resulted in the apocalyptic end we now face.

on Nov 28, 2023

From collapse2050.com

How to Collapse: Mass Starvation

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The biggest threat to human survival is the sustainability of key crops under the stresses of rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns.

on Nov 14, 2023

From collapse2050.com

I've got bad news, and worse news

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This is what collapse looks like. Individuals, companies and governments reduce investment in things that make life better (e.g. renovations, home repairs, pay raises, infrastructure) to pay for things that are required for survival (e.g. food, energy, broken infrastructure).

on Oct 19, 2023