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From freecodecamp.org

Git Cheat Sheet – Helpful Git Commands with Examples

1 1

This Git Cheat Sheet will provide you with a handy list of common (and not so common) commands that will make your life easier when working with Git. You can also download the Git Cheat Sheet in PDF format (along with some other resources) for free b...

#git #webdev #backend #frontend #cheatsheets #development #programming #versioncontrol

5h ago

From freecodecamp.org

How to Use HTML Attributes to Make Your Websites and Apps More Accessible

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Have you ever used an attribute in HTML without fully understanding its purpose? You're not alone! Over time, I've dug into the meaning behind many HTML attributes, especially those that are crucial for accessibility. In this in-depth tutorial, I'll ...

on Thu, 8PM

From freecodecamp.org

How to Work with SQLite in Python – A Handbook for Beginners

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SQLite is one of the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS). It’s lightweight, meaning that it doesn’t take up much space on your system. One of its best features is that it’s serverless, so you don’t need to install or manage a ...

on Wed, 11PM

From freecodecamp.org

Learn How To Secure API Servers

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APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play an important role in enabling communication between different software systems. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and securing these APIs is necessary to protect sensitive data and ma...

on Sep 20

From freecodecamp.org

Git Abort Merge – How to Cancel a Merge in Git

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By Shittu Olumide Version control is a system that helps manage changes to files and directories over time. It allows multiple people to collaborate on a project, keep track of modifications, and revert to previous versions if needed. One of the mos...

on Sep 13

From freecodecamp.org

How to Blend Images in Rust Using Pixel Math

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For anyone looking to learn about image processing as a programming niche, blending images is a very good place to start. It's one of the simplest yet most rewarding techniques when it comes to image processing. To help your intuition, it's best to i...

on Sep 9

From freecodecamp.org

Macho programmers, drum memory and a forensic analysis of 1960s machine code

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By David Nugent Real programmers don’t use PASCAL Programmers today build distributed applications and artificial neural networks. They use functional reactive programming, open source web frameworks, and serverless environments. Yet, impostor syndro...

on Sep 8

From freecodecamp.org

podcast - freeCodeCamp.org

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Browse thousands of programming tutorials written by experts. Learn Web Development, Data Science, DevOps, Security, and get developer career advice.

on Sep 7

From freecodecamp.org

How to Get a Developer Job in Less Than a Year

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By Alexander Kallaway Speed Up Your Learning What is the most difficult part for someone who decides to teach themselves to code? The fact that they usually don’t know what to learn — what programming language to choose, how to approach learning, whi...

on Sep 7

From freecodecamp.org

How to Implement Server-Sent Events in Go

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Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a powerful technology that enables real-time, unidirectional communication from servers to clients. In this article, we'll explore how to implement SSE in Go, discussing its benefits, use cases, and providing practical exa...

on Sep 1

From freecodecamp.org

How to Emulate Real Dependencies in Integration Tests using Testcontainers

0 1

What is Integration Testing? The purpose of integration tests is to validate that different software components, subsystems, or applications work well together combined as a group. It’s an important step in the testing pyramid that can help you ident...

on Sep 1

From freecodecamp.org

JavaScript 隐式类型转换,一篇就够了!

0 1

JavaScript 隐式类型转换,一篇就够了 ! 一图胜千言 数学算符中的类型转换 * 减、乘、除 * 特殊的加法 逻辑语句中的类型转换 * 单个变量 * 使用 == 比较中的5条规则 * 通过几个特别的题目来练习一下吧 附录1:类型转换表 一图胜千言 JavaScript发生隐式类型转换时的各种猫腻,相信各位开发者已经饱受折磨。 即便是多年的 JS 老兵,也不一定能很好地理顺这背后的规律。 接下来,本文通过几个产生隐式类型转换的场景,务必帮助你彻底掌握这个知识点。 > 提示 1:请充分注意到行文中出现的 ⭐️, 意味着这是重点句子。 > 提示...

on Aug 30

From freecodecamp.org

How to Optimize Your Database – Optimization Principles and Best Practices

0 1

Databases are an integral component of building applications, whether web, desktop or mobile. They symbolically serve as the mitochondria of the application, as their primary function is to manage data. Database management is a critical skill a devel...

on Aug 30

From freecodecamp.org

A step-by-step guide to building a simple chess AI

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By Lauri Hartikka Let’s explore some basic concepts that will help us create a simple chess AI: move-generation board evaluation minimax and alpha beta pruning. At each step, we’ll improve our algorithm with one of these time-tested chess-programmi...

on Aug 29

From freecodecamp.org

How to Use GPT to Analyze Large Datasets

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Absorbing and then summarizing very large quantities of content in just a few seconds truly is a big deal. As an example, a while back I received a link to the recording of an important 90 minute business video conference that I'd missed a few hours ...

on Aug 28

From freecodecamp.org

How to Use React Compiler – A Complete Guide

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In this tutorial, you'll learn how the React compiler can help you write more optimized React applications. React is a user interface library that has been doing its job quite well for over a decade. The component architecture, uni-directional data f...

on Aug 28

From freecodecamp.org

How JavaScript Promises Work – Handbook for Beginners

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Many operations, such as network requests, are asynchronous in nature. One of the most useful and powerful tools for working with asynchronous code is the Promise. In this handbook, you'll learn all about JavaScript Promises and how to use them. Tabl...

on Aug 27

From freecodecamp.org

The History of Artificial Intelligence from the 1950s to Today

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Humans have always been interested in making machines that display intelligence. The Ancient Egyptians and Romans were awe-struck by religious statues that were manipulated by priests behind the scenes. Medieval lore is packed with tales of items which could move and talk like their human...

on Aug 25

From freecodecamp.org

How to Implement Message Queues in Your Backend Applications

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The goal of every web developer is to create a product that appeals to a wide range of users. However, this comes with its problems, chief among them being scalability issues to meet overwhelming user demands. If not addressed, this can result in a d...

on Aug 16

From freecodecamp.org

Rahul Pandey quit his $800,000/year FAANG developer job to build a startup [Podcast #137]

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On this week's episode of the podcast, freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews Rahul Pandey. He's a software engineer who left his $800K / year FAANG job to build his own startup. We talk about: The post-layoff developer job landscape Develop...

on Aug 16

From freecodecamp.org

A Beginner's Guide to LLMs – What's a Large-Language Model and How Does it Work?

0 1

ChatGPT was released in November 2022. Since then, we’ve witnessed rapid advancements in the field of AI and technology. But did you know that the journey of AI chatbots began way back in 1966 with ELIZA? ELIZA was not as sophisticated as today’s mod...

on Aug 16

From freecodecamp.org

How Asynchronous Programming Works in Rust – Futures and Async/Await Explained with Examples

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If you're familiar with languages like JavaScript and Python, you may have heard about asynchronous programming. And perhaps you're wondering how it works in Rust. In this article, I'll give you a simple overview of how asynchronous programming works...

on Aug 16

From freecodecamp.org

How to Get Your MongoDB URL to Connect to Your Node.js Application – A Step-by-Step Guide

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In my previous article about building a Node.js application, I didn’t fully explain how to obtain the MongoDB URL, as I wanted to keep the article concise. However, I realized that this information is essential for saving data to MongoDB. In this art...

on Aug 13

From freecodecamp.org

How to Host Your Project on GitHub – Explained With Examples

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Seven years ago, I began my journey into web development with HTML and CSS. As soon as I got the hang of JavaScript, I built my first website. The excitement was overwhelming, and I wanted to share it with my friends and the world. Like many beginners, I started researching

on Aug 9

From freecodecamp.org


0 0

Browse thousands of programming tutorials written by experts. Learn Web Development, Data Science, DevOps, Security, and get developer career advice.

on Aug 6

From freecodecamp.org

Vimrc Configuration Guide - How to Customize Your Vim Code Editor with Mappings, Vimscript, Status Line, and More

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Configuring your .vimrc file lets you use the full power of Vim. With a customized .vimrc file you can increase your Vim powers tenfold. In this article I will show you a few ways you can customize your .vimrc file. I will go over: * Basic Settings *

on Aug 2

From freecodecamp.org

NGINX for Backend Developers

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NGINX is a versatile and powerful open-source software used for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and more. It's important to understand for backend developers. We just published a course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will teach you what you...

on Jul 30

From freecodecamp.org

Makefiles 101: how to use make as a task automation tool

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by Alex Nadalin Makefiles 101: how to use make as a task automation tool Photo by Agto Nugroho [https://unsplash.com/photos/1mnXGDl3iRY?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] on Unsplash...

on Jul 30

From freecodecamp.org

Learn System Design Principles and Prepare for an Job Interview

0 1

Mastering system design is important for anyone who wants to build scalable and reliable applications. System design includes a range of topics from basic computer architecture to complex networking concepts, each playing an important role in creatin...

on Jul 29

From freecodecamp.org

How to Build a Quantum Artificial Intelligence Model – With Python Code Examples

0 1

Machine learning (ML) is one of the most important subareas of AI used in building great AI systems. In ML, deep learning is a narrow area focused solely on neural networks. Through the field of deep learning, systems like ChatGPT and many other AI models can be created. In other

on Jul 25

From freecodecamp.org

Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Markdown Previewer

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Tell us what’s happening: I have done what project wants but when I put my code into codePen it doesn’t pass the tests. My code works out of codePen. This is my codePen link Your code so far Your browser information: User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,...

on Jul 25

From freecodecamp.org

Cos'è il Web3? Spiegazione dell'Internet decentralizzato del futuro

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Se stai leggendo questo articolo, allora sei un utente del web moderno. Il web che stiamo vivendo oggi è molto diverso da quello che era solo 10 anni fa. Come si è evoluto il web e, soprattutto, dove sta andando? Inoltre, perché una qualsiasi di queste cose è importante? Se

on Jul 21

From freecodecamp.org

Learn JavaScript Reactivity: How to Build Signals from Scratch

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If you're learning JavaScript, you may have heard the terms reactivity or signals. But perhaps you haven't gotten to use them in practice yet. If so – or if you just want to learn more about these concepts – you're in the right place. In this article, you'll learn

on Jul 20

From freecodecamp.org

How to Build a Vue E-commerce App Using MSW

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Building an e-commerce app can be a time-consuming task, but with the right tools, it becomes much more manageable. In this guide, we'll explore how to create a robust Vue.js e-commerce application using Mock Service Worker (MSW) to simulate backend interactions. Whether you're a seasoned...

on Jul 18

From freecodecamp.org

How to Build an Online Banking System – Python Object-Oriented Programming Tutorial

0 0

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a fundamental concept in software engineering that allows software engineers to structure code in a more organized and modular way. Python, with its clear and concise syntax, is an excellent language for learning and implementing OOP principles. In this...

on Jul 13

From freecodecamp.org

How Does a CPU Work Internally? From Transistors to Instruction Set Architecture

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The CPU (Central Process Unit) is the brain of a computer, and the main connection between software and hardware. It makes it possible to operate software on hardware. However, how does it work in deep detail? And how can it connect programs to certain computer hardware? This article aims to

on Jul 11

From freecodecamp.org

How to Code a Simple Game and Host it on Your Website

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Have you ever wanted to create your own game to share with others on your website? In this article, we'll be learning how to code a simple game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then host it on your website. The game we'll be coding is a classic word-guessing

on Jul 6

From freecodecamp.org

Turning Vim Into An R IDE

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by Kade Killary How to Turn Vim Into an IDE for R Warning: No, this is not the R setup to use if you are a beginner. The RStudio IDE [https://www.rstudio.com/products/RStudio/] is amazing and should probably always be your default tool. However, if you happen to belong to the outcast

on Jun 30

From freecodecamp.org

Free Perl Programming Course for Beginners

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For decades, the Perl programming language has remained important in the realms of text processing, system administration, and even web development. We just published a full course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will teach you how to use Perl. The course covers topics ranging from...

on Jun 29

From freecodecamp.org

module.exports – How to Export in Node.js and JavaScript

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In programming, modules are components of a program with one or more functions or values. These values can also be shared across the entire program and can be used in different ways. In this article, I will show you how to share functions and values by exporting and importing modules

on Jun 26

From freecodecamp.org

How Auto Scaling and Load Balancing Work in Software Architecture

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While auto scaling and load balancing are two separate techniques in software architecture management, they are often implemented simultaneously. In the software architecture wild, one rarely exists without the other, as they complement each other to handle unpredictable changes in demand. This...

on Jun 26

From freecodecamp.org

PHP Arrays in Practice: How to Rebuild the Football Team Cards Project with PHP and MongoDB

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This is the second part of my PHP array handbook. You can find the first part here [/news/php-array-handbook/], where I cover array basics. In the first part, you learned about arrays, how to create arrays, array functions, and how to loop through arrays. This second part will teach you how

on Jun 26

From freecodecamp.org

Learn Generative AI in 30 Hours

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In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, staying ahead of the curve is important for both enthusiasts and professionals alike. And one of the most popular elements of AI right now is Generative AI. We just posted a comprehensive course about Generative AI on the...

on Jun 25

From freecodecamp.org

How to Collaborate with Web Development Teams Using Productivity Tools

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If you're a web developer, designer, or project manager, you're likely quite busy these days and have a lot on your plate. This is partly because the number of websites is growing rapidly, with 71% of all businesses [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/website-statistics/] in the...

on Jun 25

From freecodecamp.org

Learn Data Structures and Algorithms in 48 Hours

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In the realm of software development, mastering Data Structures and Algorithms could be a critical step towards securing your dream job. We just posted a course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will equip you with the knowledge to excel in coding interviews and problem-solving. You...

on Jun 24

From freecodecamp.org

Learn Three.js By Building Five Projects

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Three.js is a powerful JavaScript library that simplifies the process of creating 3D graphics in the browser. We just released a video course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will teach you how to use Three.js by guiding you through build...

on Jun 24

From freecodecamp.org

Shop freeCodeCamp and Support Our Nonprofit Community

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Triblend Men's T-shirt Available Triblend Men's T-shirtRepresent the freeCodeCamp community with pride in this jet-black  Triblend T-shirt featuring the iconic "bonfire function call" logo.  This rugged shirt is 25% Cotton, 25% Rayon, 50% Polyester, and will  withstand hundreds of washes without...

on Jun 24

From freecodecamp.org

How to Create Notice Blocks in Markdown

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Markdown is a very popular lightweight markup language. It is used for writing documentation and even for creating a complete website. Therefore, almost all of us frequently use this markup language every once in a while. However, there are some limitations to this language. In some cases, we can not

on Jun 24

From freecodecamp.org

Reed Barger - freeCodeCamp.org

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Full stack developer sharing everything I know.

on Jun 23