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From psyche.co

As a society, we’re not death phobic, we’re death complacent | Psyche Ideas

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Our culture is routinely diagnosed with an excessive fear of mortality. A calm look at the evidence tells a different story

16h ago

From psyche.co

Late autism diagnosis: it’s a relief, but who’s behind the mask? | Psyche Ideas

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By the time an adult learns they’re autistic, they have often been covering up for years. A period of self-discovery awaits


on Tue, 9PM

From psyche.co

How to see the humanity in anyone | Psyche Guides

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Practising a form of ‘deep curiosity’ can help you connect with yourself and others, even if they’re on the ‘other side’

#empathy #Curiosity #psychology

on Dec 11

From psyche.co

How to think about consciousness | Psyche Guides

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What is it like to be you? Dive into the philosophical puzzle of consciousness and see yourself and the world in new ways

on Sep 5

From psyche.co

How conspiracy theories bypass people’s rationality | Psyche Ideas

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Prior research has focused on the negative reasons people are drawn to conspiracies, but there’s another side to the story

#conspiracy #psychology #rationality #conspiracytheories

on Dec 4, 2023

From psyche.co

If you think you are ‘just not a math person’ then think again | Psyche Ideas

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Understanding how mathematics anxiety takes root points to ways to overcome it, opening up new opportunities and pastimes

on Wed, 12AM

From psyche.co

Feeling nothing can be as devastating as feeling too much | Psyche Ideas

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Emotional ‘emptiness’ is a damaging, underexplored phenomenon. Better understanding it could help steer people to fulfilment

on Sun, 11PM

From psyche.co

Ancient Indian texts reveal the liberating power of metaphysics | Psyche Ideas

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Indian metaphysics presented a philosophical route to a higher level of existence beyond limits of space and time

on Dec 7

From psyche.co

Why every utterance you make begins with a leap of faith | Psyche Ideas

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Time pressure and the limitations of memory compel you and your listener to engage in a fascinating linguistic trade-off

on Dec 5

From psyche.co

If you hear voices, here are some empowering ways to respond | Psyche Ideas

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Hearing voices isn’t always a problem – but if they’re stressful or frightening, it is possible to regain a sense of control

on Dec 4

From psyche.co

The reason that even hands-free calls are risky for drivers | Psyche Ideas

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Cars are filled with ever more communication and entertainment tech, but our minds are stuck with the same limitations

on Dec 2

From psyche.co

How to get better at remembering | Psyche Guides

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Frustrated by elusive names and misplaced phones? The science of memory reveals ways to improve your powers of recall

on Nov 28

From psyche.co

Trapped with no escape: the hidden problem of sibling bullying | Psyche Ideas

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When brothers and sisters victimise each other, the harms can be serious. But it’s never too late to heal old wounds

on Nov 25

From psyche.co

I have dreamed of you so much | Psyche Films

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Float downstream with a dreamy animated meditation on love and longing inspired by a French surrealist poem

on Nov 23

From psyche.co

Will you look at me | Psyche Films

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On a visit home, a gay son and his mother clash as they try to bridge the cultural and generational divides between them

on Nov 22

From psyche.co

Learn to tune into birdsong – respite and fascination await | Psyche Ideas

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Listening deeply to the sounds of birds is a powerful form of meditation and a first step towards a rewarding new hobby

on Nov 20

From psyche.co

In defence of slouching: the bad science behind good posture | Psyche Ideas

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The idea that we should all stand straight is widely accepted. But this modern obsession has dubious origins

on Nov 19

From psyche.co

How to forgive (even if they’re unrepentant) | Psyche Guides

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Feeling ill will toward someone who harmed you is natural but draining. You can let it go, whether you reconcile or not

on Nov 15

From psyche.co

The ‘secret strategy’ that could boost your ability to learn | Psyche Ideas

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It may sound illogical, but growing evidence shows the benefits of testing yourself before you start learning new material

on Nov 12

From psyche.co

Why, in a universe of pain, I’m saving stranded earthworms | Psyche Ideas

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Any action can seem futile amid so much suffering. I’ve realised the important thing is to stop despairing and do something

on Nov 11

From psyche.co

What we lose by being overly scientific about healthcare | Psyche Ideas

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Empirical studies tell us about treatment outcomes, but they overlook the cultural dynamics that can help us feel better

on Nov 10

From psyche.co

When does the first spark of human consciousness ignite? | Psyche Ideas

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We can’t ask babies what they’re feeling, but ingenious new methods are shedding light on the origins of subjective awareness

on Nov 6

From psyche.co

The empathy gap that is imperilling future generations | Psyche Ideas

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To protect our descendants from catastrophe, we must overcome the emotional hurdles that make it easy for us to look away

on Nov 5

From psyche.co

Eyes and horns | Psyche Films

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Lines blur between male and female, human and monster in this provocative critique of sexism in the Western art world

on Nov 2

From psyche.co

Speaking a different language can change how you act and feel | Psyche Ideas

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For many multilinguals, switching between tongues can lead to shifts in personality, revealing the malleability of the self

on Nov 2

From psyche.co

Solitude can be profoundly restorative. Here’s how to savour it | Psyche Ideas

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Time alone offers unique psychological benefits, once you learn to embrace these quiet moments rather than escape them

on Oct 31

From psyche.co

See faces in the clouds? It might be a sign of your creativity | Psyche Ideas

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Long considered a sign of mental illness, ‘pareidolia’ or seeing patterns in randomness might be a useful measure of creativity

on Oct 30

From psyche.co

How to get hooked on opera | Psyche Guides

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Aspects of opera can seem strange. But give it a try and you’ll soon find yourself absorbed in a truly magical experience

on Oct 26

From psyche.co

Why deepfakes pose less of a threat than many predict | Psyche Ideas

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Applying Descartes’ sceptical puzzle to deepfake videos reveals the challenge they present is one that we can rise to

on Oct 25

From psyche.co

Wisdom is a virtue, but how do we judge if someone has it? | Psyche Ideas

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Our team explored who is considered wise in cultures with contrasting philosophical traditions. The results surprised us

on Oct 22

From psyche.co

‘Place authenticity’ is an important, overlooked part of life | Psyche Ideas

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From indie bookshops to artisan cafes, spending time in unique, characterful places can enrich your own sense of self

on Oct 19

From psyche.co

Bureaucracy and other civic bullshit can be good for us | Psyche Ideas

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No one enjoys waiting in stuffy buildings or on congested roadways, but there’s an upside to our fellowship of frustration

on Oct 18

From psyche.co

Avoiding sadness can backfire, here’s how to turn towards it | Psyche Ideas

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Everyone has stretches of sadness. Shifting how you think about and relate to sad feelings could help you through these times

on Oct 18

From psyche.co

Your life is not a story: why narrative thinking holds you back | Psyche Ideas

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Our stories help us make sense of a chaotic world, but they can be harmful and restrictive. There’s a liberating alternative

on Oct 18

From psyche.co

The tentacles of language are always on the move | Psyche Ideas

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An evolutionary biologist explains how human language can shift as slowly or rapidly as organisms adapting to life on Earth

on Oct 18

From psyche.co

Why teenagers are deliberately seeking brain rot on TikTok | Psyche Ideas

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Talking to teens reveals a hidden sophistication to their media use. Rather than policing it, maybe we could learn from it

on Oct 10

From psyche.co

Six ways to use clothes to boost your confidence at work | Psyche Ideas

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Regardless of your budget or fashion sense, dressing with more intention can benefit your mindset and performance

on Oct 9

From psyche.co

How to find new spiritual practices | Psyche Guides

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Even if religion isn’t for you, there’s a world of rituals and tools to lift yourself up and connect to something greater

on Oct 8

From psyche.co

The bear in the shower | Psyche Films

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‘I still exercise some choice, so I picture a bear’: stuck in her friend’s shower for hours, a woman finds calm in repetition

on Oct 5

From psyche.co

To ancient Assyrians, the liver was the seat of happiness | Psyche Ideas

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Cutting-edge computational techniques are shedding light on how the emotional experiences of past cultures compare to ours

on Oct 5

From psyche.co

How to sleep when you’re a perfectionist | Psyche Guides

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As a high achiever, your problem-solving skills can backfire at night. You need a different way to beat insomnia

on Oct 2

From psyche.co

Why bad doodles can reveal more about you than good drawings | Psyche Ideas

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For Marion Milner, ‘not being able’ is a valuable state – one that allows for new and unexpected forms of learning

on Oct 1

From psyche.co

Most protests fail. What are activists doing right when they win? | Psyche Ideas

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The science of protest reveals successful tactics and common weak points. Those who want change should take it onboard

on Sep 30

From psyche.co

The brain’s twilight zone: when you’re neither awake nor asleep | Psyche Ideas

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Neuroscientists are demystifying this in-between state, uncovering its role in memory processing and its creative potential

on Sep 29

From psyche.co

How temptation works, and why it nearly stopped me writing this | Psyche Ideas

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Temptation can be sneaky – a rationalising voice that subtly undermines your resolve. But there are ways to outsmart it

on Sep 28

From psyche.co

Greedy people might be frowned upon, but are they the winners? | Psyche Ideas

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Some individuals have a persistent tendency to want ever more stuff and status. Psychologists are examining the lives they lead

on Sep 24

From psyche.co

Why did bloody knights write love songs about spring blossoms? | Psyche Ideas

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The masculinity of medieval knighthood was expansive enough for both graphic violence and the joys of a flower meadow

on Sep 24

From psyche.co

Going with your gut feels good, but it’s not always wise | Psyche Ideas

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Research is revealing the mood benefits of making intuitive decisions, but some situations call for an analytical approach

on Sep 23

From psyche.co

A psychologist’s tips for getting a grip on your social media use | Psyche Ideas

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Is social media causing you problems? Here are some personal and practical ways to reap its benefits with fewer drawbacks

on Sep 21

From psyche.co

A key part of creativity is picking up on what others overlook | Psyche Ideas

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We all constantly filter a flood of details coming in. This process helps explain what gives some brains a creative edge

on Sep 19