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From tchncs.de

kampfschwaetzer (@ralph@social.tchncs.de)

1 1

Die Torys haben alles gemacht, was #AfD und der rechte Flügel der #CDU #CSU sich wünschen. Sie sind aus der EU ausgetreten, sie haben das Gesundheitssystem privatisiert, sie haben die Bahn zusammengestrichen, Corona als "nicht so schlimm" behandelt und das Ergebnis ist: GB ist am Ende. Warum...

#CDU #afd #csu

11h ago

From tchncs.de


1 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.


15h ago

From tchncs.de

Rise Eterna

1 1

Hallo! Ein kurzes Angespielt und dieses mal mit Rise Eterna! Sehr charmantes Pixel Rundenstrategiespiel das man nicht unterschätzen sollte^^ (Da angeblich die Spielzeit recht kurz sein soll habe ic...


19h ago

From tchncs.de

[Release] Belfius Root - tchncs

1 1

cross-posted from: https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/18470641 [https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/18470641] > Simple Xposed module to support the Belfius [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.belfius.directmobile.android] app on Rooted devices! > > Source >...


20h ago

From tchncs.de

[Release] Belfius Root - tchncs

1 1

cross-posted from: https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/18470641 [https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/18470641] > Simple Xposed module to support the Belfius [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.belfius.directmobile.android] app on Rooted devices! > > Source >...


20h ago

From tchncs.de

Rechercheportal Jena SHK (@recherche_jena@social.tchncs.de)

1 1

Attached: 1 image Morgen (6.7.) startet in #Jena um 16 Uhr am Fichteplatz eine Solidaritätsdemo für unsere*n von der Polizei nach #Ungarn verschleppte*n Genoss*in Maja: #FreeMaja


on Sat, 12PM

From tchncs.de

Bahnhofsoma (@Bahnhofsoma@social.tchncs.de)

1 1

Gestern auf der #Wetteraurunde war die Ausbeute an gesichteten Tieren enorm und ich hatte keinen Bock, zu fotografieren. 3 Hoppelhäschen, 1 Eichhörnchen, 1 Sperber, 2 Störche auf einer frisch gemähten Wiese mit yKühen und ein Storchennest mit Eltern und Nachwuchs

on Sat, 12PM

From tchncs.de


1 5

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Calckey, a popular Misskey fork. Other than the official instance, tchncs runs on the release branch (v14 is an exception).

#samstagsshow #schenklradio

on Dec 28

From tchncs.de


1 7

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Calckey, a popular Misskey fork. Other than the official instance, tchncs runs on the release branch (v14 is an exception).

#samstagsshow #schenklradio

on Dec 23

From tchncs.de

13.4 Zur Unterhaltung: Pralinenpackung zerschneiden

0 1

Illustration einer Analogie, die ich in einem anderen Video verwendet habe. Warum und wofür, erfahrt Ihr erst am Dienstag in den anderen Videos!

on Sat, 9AM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Sat, 6AM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Sat, 6AM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 10PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 8PM

From tchncs.de

Privacy on Cars. How to stop data collection and transmission? - tchncs

0 1

Couple of months prior, I read an article on Mozilla, where they did a research on automakers and found none comply to good privacy measures. I am planning to buy a used car. I want to know how the data is collected and transmitted. The car comes with a connected app though I am not planning to...

on Fri, 7PM

From tchncs.de

distrowatch (@distrowatch@social.tchncs.de)

0 1

Software News: The VSCode project has released version 1.91.0 https://freshfoss.com/projects/vscode/

on Fri, 6PM

From tchncs.de

Bazzite/any immutable distro question: every user duplicates app installs - tchncs

0 1

Just installed Bazzite and it seems to work well so far. Then I added a second standard user to the system and thought they’d have access to all software I just installed for the main user. But that doesn’t seem the case, Bazzite prompted me to install all those again for the second user. Is...

on Fri, 3PM

From tchncs.de

Nick Tune about Architecture Modernization

0 1

With so much legacy software around, modernizing the architecture and the software has become a major challenge that almost every project faces. Nick Tune is one of the leading Domain-driven Design...

on Fri, 3PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 11AM

From tchncs.de

Rheinschwimmen 2024 - DLRG Bad Honnef Unkel

0 1

Rheinschwimmen Am 29. Juni 2024 fand das diesjährige Rheinschwimmen von der DLRG Bad Honnef Unkel statt. Eine unvergessliche Veranstaltung, die sich dort für die etwa 350 Teilnehmer:innen bot. Wir ...

on Fri, 9AM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Fri, 8AM

From tchncs.de

Lew Perin (@babelcarp@social.tchncs.de)

0 1

Attached: 1 image On 8th Ave. in Sunset Park in Brooklyn, this shop sells milk powder and other baby nutrition products to people who want to send the stuff to relatives in China. The shop is happy to do the shipping. Why does this exist? Because people in China don’t trust the purity of what...

on Fri, 1AM

From tchncs.de

Which intro skipper is still working? - tchncs

0 1

I am a bit late to the party in that I only today updated to the latest version. I now see that the intro skipper plugin from confused polar bear (or whathisname…) isn’t working anymore. I guess that was bound to happen after the archiving of the repo. Is there a working fork out there? I found...

on Thu, 8PM

From tchncs.de

distrowatch (@distrowatch@social.tchncs.de)

0 1

Software News: The Warzone 2100 project has released version 4.5.0 https://freshfoss.com/projects/warzone2100/

on Thu, 8PM

From tchncs.de

new IFT4 video from SpaceX - tchncs

0 1

Piped link: https://piped.video/watch?v=j2BdNDTlWbo?si=mO1ZF4Er6BKGKQrI [https://piped.video/watch?v=j2BdNDTlWbo?si=mO1ZF4Er6BKGKQrI]

on Thu, 7PM

From tchncs.de

Abstände sind Glaubenssache

0 1

The PeerTube instance for content genuinely made by you.

on Thu, 6PM

From tchncs.de

Cool paintings that depict hedonism? - tchncs

0 1

Hey 🙂 i’m trying to find a painting that’d look cool on the wall above the head of my bed. I like art, but don’t know much about it. Goya, Caravaggio, Blake, … love that kinda stuff. But i’d like to find an image that somehow depicts hedonism (preference hedonism / desire satisfaction theory) in...

on Thu, 12PM

From tchncs.de

Den eigenen Weg finden: Wie Harry Frankfurt uns helfen kann, Ziele im Leben zu setzen

0 1

Manchmal lohnt es sich, über den Tellerrand zu schauen und die Perspektive eines Philosophen einzunehmen. Harry G. Frankfurts 2004 an de...

on Thu, 9AM

From tchncs.de

Stoppt endlich das Töten auf unseren Straßen - gebt allen sichere Wege!

0 2

Im April 2024 sind in Deutschland rund 29 900 Menschen bei Straßenverkehrsunfällen verletzt worden. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) nach vorläufigen Ergebnissen mitteilt, waren das 16 % o...

on Wed, 4PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Groovy intercontinental Livejam from Asia over Europe and America. Unbelievable! Awesome Jamulus!

on Wed, 11AM

From tchncs.de

sariash (@sariash@social.tchncs.de)

0 1

Late last night I realised that I completely missed the release of Mary Spender's album in May 😱 So now I'm catching up on listening to it, which is a very good reason to post another song by Mary for @loewe@metalhead.club's #MusicWomenWednesday 🥰 "Do You Want To Play?", on invidious/youtube is...

on Wed, 8AM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Tue, 9PM

From tchncs.de

distrowatch (@distrowatch@social.tchncs.de)

0 1

Software News: The Schism Tracker project has released version 20240630 https://freshfoss.com/projects/schismtracker/

on Tue, 7PM

From tchncs.de

RustDesk: Eine OpenSource-Alternative zu TeamViewer

0 1

Für einige Supportaufgaben verwende ich seit Neuestem RustDesk, eine selbst-hostbare OpenSource-Alternative zu TeamViewer. Wenn Ihr erfahren möchtet, was RustDesk kann und ist und wie Ihr Euren eig...

on Tue, 1PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Tue, 7AM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Tue, 7AM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Mon, 8PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Mon, 8PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Mon, 8PM

From tchncs.de


0 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Firefish, a popular Misskey fork.

on Mon, 7PM