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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From tchncs.de


1 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Calckey, a popular Misskey fork. Other than the official instance, tchncs runs on the release branch (v14 is an exception).

#laufradbau #wheelbuilder

on Dec 13

From tchncs.de


1 1

Welcome to procial – the social instance for more advanced (pro) users, who enjoy Mastodon but ... just want more. This thing runs Calckey, a popular Misskey fork. Other than the official instance, tchncs runs on the release branch (v14 is an exception).

#laufradbau #wheelbuilder

on Jan 31

From tchncs.de

Cool paintings that depict hedonism? - tchncs

1 1

Hey 🙂 i’m trying to find a painting that’d look cool on the wall above the head of my bed. I like art, but don’t know much about it. Goya, Caravaggio, Blake, … love that kinda stuff. But i’d like to find an image that somehow depicts hedonism (preference hedonism / desire satisfaction theory) in...


5h ago

From tchncs.de

Den eigenen Weg finden: Wie Harry Frankfurt uns helfen kann, Ziele im Leben zu setzen

1 1

Manchmal lohnt es sich, über den Tellerrand zu schauen und die Perspektive eines Philosophen einzunehmen. Harry G. Frankfurts 2004 an de...

#gtd #Ziele #productivityporn #selbstmanagement

8h ago

(Showing 7 out of 7.)