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3 34
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From mockpaperscissors.com

SURPRISE! RNC to Write Platform In Secret!

2 2

Cool, cool: The next Republican Party platform will be written behind closed doors. In a break from decades-long precedent, reporters and spectators will not be allowed to watch next week’s party p…

23h ago

From mockpaperscissors.com

If You Can Believe It, The Republicans Are Still Oppressing Women

1 3

Happy Hour News This is not a joke: One of the guys (of course it is a man!) writing the RNC platform wants a plank to imprison women who have an abortion. Oh, he also wants a national abortion ban…

on Wed, 2AM

From semafor.com

In a shift, the RNC will decide its platform behind closed doors | Semafor

2 6

The decision to skip the usual cameras comes as the party is in a difficult debate over abortion.

#auditthernc #trumpmonarchy #goptraitorstodemocracy

on Tue, 6PM

(Showing 7 out of 7.)