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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From irpp.org

Doug Ford’s multibillion-dollar highway is not about solving Toronto traffic jams

2 2

Ford’s multibillion-dollar highway plan is more about politics than sound transportation policy.

#Election #trafficjams #transportation #onpoli #ontario #dougford

11h ago

From irpp.org

Chrystia Freeland’s resignation points to final breakdown of cabinet government

2 2

Chrystia Freeland’s resignation and the lack of cabinet consultation on major spending plans points to a breakdown in cabinet government.

#Canada #cdnpoli

19h ago

From irpp.org

Murray Sinclair’s vision to improve Indigenous justice remains unrealized

1 1

Indigenous people remain over-represented in Canadian prisons despite decades of hard work by advocates.

#Canada #firstnations #murraysinclair #indigenousjustice #truthandreconciliation

11h ago

From irpp.org

What can help save nature and increase climate resilience? Better accounting.

1 1

“Accoutants will save the world” if they can incorporate costs such as nature degradation and carbon emissions into financial valuations.

#cop16 #accounting #climateaction #publicfinance

11h ago

From irpp.org

Overcoming online echo chambers requires institutional and individual commitment

1 1

Politics have always made it hard to accept facts and opinions that challenge our preexisting beliefs. Artificial intelligence algorithms make it even worse.

#SocialMedia #echochambers #disinformation #artificialintelligence

11h ago

From irpp.org

Priorities may change, but energy efficiency remains a solution

1 1

Improving energy efficiency with the right policy framework remains a solution to affordability problems.

#housing #costofliving #EnergyPoverty #affordability #Energyefficiency

10h ago

(Showing 6 out of 6.)