See mastodon node info for
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Google Calendar removed events like Pride and BHM because its holiday list wasn’t ‘sustainable’ Some Google Calendar users are angrily calling the company out after noticing that certain events like Pride month are...
#news #erasure #technews #diversity #technology #google
3h ago
1 1
Hi everyone, I'm continuing to open up the beta to a few more people. So here are some invitation codes: <used> <used> <used> <used> <used> <used> <used> <used> <used> Artfeed is a #rss feed reader designed for artists and #photographers . It lets you follow an artist's...
10h ago
1 1 It looks like the text dates back to at least...
22h ago
rndblnch ⏚ (
1 1
Attached: 1 image "Seb Berthe vient (enfin !) à bout du Dawn wall en libre" ça change des grimpeurs sponsorisés :) pour les non-initiés, le down wall, c'est une des voies d'escalade en plusieurs longueurs les plus dure du monde en escalade libre (sans tirer sur les ancrages), elle est aux...
#escalade #montagne #teamgrimpe
8h ago
Cory Doctorow (
1 1
Attached: 1 image Today's threads (a thread) Inside: Dinkscrump Linkdump; and more! Archived at: #Pluralistic 1/
14h ago
Cory Doctorow (
1 1
Attached: 1 image Hugh D'Andrade is a brilliant visual communicator, the art director responsible for the look-and-feel of EFF's website. He's also haunted by a murder - the killing of the mother of his childhood playmates, which cast a long, long shadow over his life, as he recounts in his...
13h ago
matiu bidule (
1 1
Attached: 1 image PS, PCF et Verts mangent dans la main de Retailleau Vote à l'unanimité sur la loi "narcotrafic" qui contient rien de moins que le retour de la lettre de cachet Le "Dossier Coffre" c'est la possibilité que vous soyez un jours poursuivi et condamné sur la base d'informations...
16h ago
Laffy (
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4/ "4 days after Trump’s inaug, someone from new govt pulled up 1000s of old press releases about yrs of enf actions by ICE, & put a brand new timestamp on each one. Why?..apparently trying (successfully) to game Google algorithms so searching for what was happening w Trump’s mass deportation...
on Mon, 1AM
Bon Pote (
1 1
Pendant que Trump s’occupe du sort des Etats-Unis (et d’une partie du monde), il se passe la même chose en France sans que cela ne provoque le même émoi. C’est pourtant tout aussi grave, tout aussi violent. Et mériterait bien plus d’attention, notre attention. Voici 5 exemples dont vous n’avez...
19h ago
EmB Philo (
1 1
Mexican President Claudia #Sheinbaum addresses Trump: “So, you voted to build a wall. Well, dear Americans, even if you don’t understand much about geography, since for you America is your country and not a continent, it is important for you to know, before the first brick is laid, that there...
22h ago
Google Calendar removed events like Pride and BHM because its holiday list wasn’t ‘sustainable’
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Some users are angry that some events have been removed.
#news #erasure #technews #diversity #hackernews #technology #ycombinator #bigtech #google
on Sat, 2AM
US immigration is gaming Google to create a mirage of mass deportations
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Thousands of press releases about decade-old enforcement actions topped search results, all updated with a timestamp from after Trump’s inauguration
on Fri, 3AM