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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From mcgill.ca

Why Do We Feel Sick to Our Stomach?

1 1

If you have ever been truly disgusted by something you saw, you have experienced feeling sick to your stomach. Revulsion involves the brain, clearly, but somehow it can be felt in our digestive system. The same is true of anxiety and love: there’s a reason we speak of butterflies in our stomach....

#scicomm #science #stomach #digestion

22h ago

From mcgill.ca

To Cram or To Sleep; Are Students Focusing on The Wrong Sleep Habits?

1 1

I was no stranger to late nights and early awakenings during my early undergraduate years. I stretched myself thin on sleep but told myself that all would be well if I got a good night’s sleep the night before an important exam. Little did I know that one night of good sleep after a semester of...

#sleep #Canada #school #science #highered

22h ago

(Showing 2 out of 2.)