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38 524
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From theatlantic.com

Do Navigation Apps Think We’re Stupid?

7 11

Why Apple and Google can’t stop map-splaining to their users

on Thu, 2PM

From theatlantic.com

Every Time You Post to Instagram, You’re Turning on a Light Bulb Forever

5 10

Even simple actions online can take a toll on the environment.

on Fri, 3PM

From theatlantic.com

The Coming Labor Shortage Is Not Good News

3 5

An economist worries about what we’re learning from the COVID-19 recovery.

on Tue, 12PM

From theatlantic.com

Nothing Good Would Come of an Israeli War in Lebanon

3 3

A military blow isn’t going to make Hezbollah disappear.


9h ago

From theatlantic.com

Jill Biden’s Momentous Choice

2 2

First ladies have unique influence over their husband’s decision to embark on a presidential campaign, and over the presidency itself.


9h ago

From theatlantic.com

Being in the Sun

2 2

Figuring out your personal relationship with sunshine can get complicated.


8h ago

From theatlantic.com

A Defiant Biden Speaks to a Crowd of Wavering Supporters

2 2

Just over a week after Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Democratic voters seem down on the president’s chances, and ready for an alternative candidate.


17h ago

From theatlantic.com

A Happiness Expert’s Frank Advice for Joe Biden

2 2

Arthur C. Brooks on the trap of staying on too long


22h ago

From fosstodon.org

AkaSci 🛰️ (@AkaSci@fosstodon.org)

1 1

Attached: 1 image The Biden-Harris campaign has been quick to point out the gaslighting in trump's lie-filled post about Project 2025: — His Super PAC is running ads promoting Project 2025, calling it “Trump’s Project 2025” — His top aide and former bag boy John McEntee is the guy behind...

#fascism #Politics #uspolitics

on Fri, 8PM

From theatlantic.com

When Law Brings Liberation

1 2

An overlooked effect of the Civil Rights Act, passed 60 years ago this week, was its powerful message of hope for Black Americans.

on Fri, 12PM

From theatlantic.com

The Fifth Circuit Won by Losing

1 1

The court is too radical to win even this Supreme Court’s approval, but not too radical to influence it deeply.


22h ago

From theatlantic.com

Why Tucker Carlson Thinks Australia Is Being ‘Taken Away’

1 1

In Melbourne, the commentator warned native Australians that immigrants would dispossess them.


10h ago

From theatlantic.com

Larry the Cat’s Years as Chief Mouser

1 1

Images from Larry’s term as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office in London.

11h ago

From theatlantic.com

Joe Biden Doesn’t Understand the Post-Debate Reality

1 1

The president told George Stephanopoulos that he’d drop out only if “the Lord Almighty” directed him to do so.


18h ago

From theatlantic.com

Antipopulism Prevails in Britain

1 6

Addressing real voters’ problems is the antidote to left- and right-wing populism.

#mmt #brexit #ukpoli #finance #austerity #economics #riggedmarkets #monetarypolicy

on Fri, 3PM

From theatlantic.com

Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish

1 1

What the former president’s shark tirade says about American politics and media


on Jun 25

From theatlantic.com

The Man Who Made January 6 Possible

1 1

The story of Johnny McEntee—the “deputy president” who rose to power at precisely the moment when democracy was falling apart

#fascism #Politics #uspolitics

on Jun 28

(Showing 20 out of 25.)