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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From tomasvotruba.com

Off the Beaten Path to Upgrade Symfony 2.8 to 7.2

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There are two types of upgrades. One follows only `UPGRADE.md` files on every release, replacing what has been removed with new alternatives. It works, and we could say that the codebase will be "up-to-date." The other upgrade doesn't stop at the required minimum but **makes use of all modern...

#php #programming #symfony

12h ago

From discu.eu

Off the Beaten Path to Upgrade Symfony 2.8 to 7.2 | Tomas Votruba - discu.eu

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Discussions and related articles for «Off the Beaten Path to Upgrade Symfony 2.8 to 7.2 | Tomas Votruba»

#php #programming

12h ago

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