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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From wecanfixclimatechange.com

How Science Fiction Can Inspire Climate Activism - We Can Fix Climate Change

1 1

Cli-fi is a sub-genre of sci-fi. It tends to be speculative, to focus on anthropogenic global warming, and to examine the effects of climate change on human communities

#climate #counterpunch #climatechange

23h ago

From wecanfixclimatechange.com

Cutting carbon emissions stops ‘loading the weather dice against us’ - We Can Fix Climate Change

1 1

Hurricanes are getting stronger and will continue to do so as long as coal, gas, and oil are burned for energy -- the goal is to become carbon neutral or even carbon negative.

#msnbc #climate #climatechange

20h ago

From wecanfixclimatechange.com

Making roofs white or reflective is the best way to keep a city cool - We Can Fix Climate Change

1 1

"Cool roofs outperformed all other interventions ..lowering average outdoor temperatures"

#climate #newscientist #climatechange

20h ago

(Showing 4 out of 4.)