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Correlated tags: #Syria #assad


From tagesschau.de

NOGs in Aleppo: Unter Beschuss helfen

2 2

Sie verteilen Essen an Bedürftige - unter schwierigsten Bedingungen: Nach der Eroberung Aleppos durch islamistische Milizen versuchen NGOs ihre Arbeit trotz Bombardements aufrechtzuerhalten. Von Matthias Ebert.

#aleppo #syrien

9h ago


From youtube.com

Aktuelle Situation in Syrien - Wer kämpft gegen wen? - Alan Pire (200)

1 1

Alan Pire ist ein kurdischer Politikwissenschaftler aus Qamischli (Nordsyrien). Er nahm an zahlreichen Podiumsdiskussionen teil, veröffentlichte Texte über d...

#assad #idlib #Kurden #aleppo #rojava #syrien #turkei #milizen

13h ago


From bbc.com

Moldova election: Pro-EU leader Maia Sandu claims victory despite alleged Russian meddling

1 1

Maia Sandu said she would be president for all, after a run-off against a rival backed by a pro-Russian party.

#Syria #Russia #aleppo #moscow #Georgia #Moldova #ukraine #Election #annafromukraine

on Nov 4


From eaworldview.com

The Russia-Iran-Assad "Axis of the Vulnerable" Is Cracking in Syria - EA WorldView

1 1

Assad does not even preside over his share of partitioned Syria. And Russia and Iran, overstretched & isolated, cannot restore his paper rule"

#Iran #Syria #assad #Russia #aleppo #aleppoliberation

2h ago


From eaworldview.com

Rebels Consolidate Liberation of Syria's Aleppo as Assad Hosts Iran's Foreign Minister - EA WorldView

1 3

Rebels consolidate liberation of Syria's largest city Aleppo as Bashar al-Assad tries to show control with Iran's Foreign Minister in Damascus

#hama #Syria #idlib #aleppo #aleppoliberation

on Mon, 10AM


From newpol.org

Our dream of an Assad-free Syria has returned with Aleppo rebel advance - New Politics

1 1

Syrians are under no illusions; whatever comes after Assad will be a mess. But for millions of Syrians nothing can be worse than this genocidal fascist regime, writes Leila al-Shami

#Syria #aleppo

10h ago


From writeworks.uk

Ukraine Daily summary - Wednesday, December 4 2024

1 1

Fall of Aleppo deals blow to Russia's Middle East clout, may indirectly strengthen Ukraine's hand -- Ukraine accelerating missile production -- Ukraine prevents Russia from establishing bridgehead west of Oskil River -- Yale study names over 300 Ukrainian children forcibly deported to Russia -- and more

#eu #g7 #uk #fpv #Iran #hawk #kyiv #nato #yale #China

11h ago


From theguardian.com

Seizure of Aleppo threatens Moscow’s foothold in Syria – and the wider region

1 2

Assault on Syria’s second-largest city by Islamist militants may tarnish Russia’s reputation as a global player

#Syria #Russia #aleppo #moscow #Georgia #Moldova #ukraine #Election #annafromukraine

on Tue, 6AM


From theguardian.com

‘We’ve seen this before’: residents of rebel-held Aleppo fear regime onslaught

3 3

Syria’s second largest city braces for possibility of president Bashar al-Assad revisiting brutal tactics used in civil war

#Syria #aleppo #theguardian

20h ago


From spiegel.de

Syrien: Vorstoß der Dschihadisten auf Hama vorerst gestoppt

1 1

Die Offensive islamistischer Kämpfer in Syrien kommt zunächst zum Halt. Die Dschihadisten sollen vor Syriens viertgrößter Stadt Hama zurückgedrängt worden sein.

#aleppo #syrien

12h ago


From spiegel.de

(S+) Früher machten sie gemeinsam Urlaub. Jetzt hat Erdoğan den syrischen Diktator in der Hand

1 1

Der türkische Präsident Erdoğan ist der wichtigste Unterstützer der syrischen Rebellen. Jedes Entgegenkommen gegenüber Diktator Assad wird er sich teuer bezahlen lassen.

#idlib #aleppo #ankara #syrien #turkei

4h ago

Showing first 13 out of 13