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Correlated tags: #bulkimportorders #wholesalesuppliers #industrialmachines #homeneeds #excavators #drillingrigs #electonics #healthdevices #exporters


From twuai.com

Grupo de Privacidad Europeo Demanda a TikTok y AliExpress por Transferencias Ilegales de Datos Personales a China

1 1

La organizaci&oacute;n austriaca de privacidad None of Your Business (#noyb) ha presentado una serie de demandas legales contra importantes plataformas de comercio electr&oacute;nico y redes sociales, como #TikTok, #AliExpress, #SHEIN, #Temu, #WeChat y #Xiaomi, acus&aacute;ndolas de transferir...

#noyb #temu #China #shein #tiktok #wechat #xiaomi #aliexpress

2h ago


From noyb.eu

TikTok, AliExpress, SHEIN & Co surrender Europeans’ data to authoritarian China

2 8

Given that China is an authoritarian surveillance state, companies can’t realistically shield EU users’ data from access by the Chinese government

#dsb #gdpr #noyb #temu #shein #Europe #tiktok #wechat #xiaomi #schrems

on Thu, 10AM


From securityaffairs.com

EU privacy non-profit group filed complaints against TikTok, SHEIN, AliExpress, and other Chinese companies

1 1

noyb files complaints against TikTok, AliExpress, and others for illegal EU user data transfers to China, violating data protection laws.

#gdpr #China #shein #tiktok #hacking #aliexpress #securityaffairs

6h ago

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