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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From lcc.org.uk

Interview with James May

4 6

LCC meets the long time co-host of Top Gear and The Grand Tour to discuss bicycles and why they’re perfect around cities

#auto #topgear #bicycles #autholizm #samochodoza #urbanistyka #jamesmay #londoncyclingcampaign

on Fri, 5PM


From theguardian.com

TfL bans most e-bikes on trains amid concern over igniting batteries

4 4

Only folding models will be permitted on London Underground, Overground, Elizabeth Line and DLR trains from 31 March

#ebay #ebike #amazon #ebikes #london #safety #uknews #bicycles #business #politics

8h ago

Showing first 2 out of 2