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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From calckey.world


1 1

A generic ~~Calckey~~ FireFish server for anyone to use.


12h ago


From lse.ac.uk


1 2

The Swing of the Pendulum: A History of UK General Elections is an online exhibition drawing on the rich LSE Library archives.

#uk #Vote #tory #greens #labour #Politics #archives #reformuk #elections #libraries

on Fri, 11AM


From bylinetimes.com

'The Great Noticing': What the Reaction to Keir Starmer’s Friday Night Dinners Tells us About the Hypocrisy of the Conservative Press

1 5

Keir Starmer's friday night family time commitment has triggered a festival of hypocrisy among Conservative-supporting newspapers

#ge2024 #labour #hypocrisy #keirstarmer #conservative #toryhypocrisy #fridaynightdinners

on Tue, 5PM


From presstv.ir

UK’s complicity in Israeli genocidal war on Gaza to shape Thursdays election

1 1

During the election campaign, it was clear that Labor Party leader Keir Starmer and Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak are both complicit in the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza.

#war #fact #gaza #Sunak #facts #labor #nazis #ausgov #israeli #politas

12h ago


From politicususa.com

Rep. Zoe Lofgren Points Out That Biden Can Now Have The Military Kill Conservative SCOTUS Justices

1 3

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) pointed out that the conservative Supreme Court majority gave President Biden immunity to use the military to take them out.

#Biden #scotus #military #conservative

6h ago

Showing first 8 out of 8