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From byteseu.com

Tax incentives planned for foreign skilled workers

1 1

Tax incentives planned for foreign skilled workershttps://www.handelsblatt.com/dpa/regierungsverhandlungen-steueranreiz-fuer-auslaendische-fachkraefte-geplant/29883350.htmlPosted by TwoThumbsOfBobKelso

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

23h ago


From byteseu.com

Smartphones for 92 euros instead of 1,099 euros each

1 1

Smartphones for 92 euros instead of 1,099 euros eachhttps://www.lto.de/karriere/jura-studium/stories/detail/9u1123-olg-frankfurt-smartphone-zum-preis-von-92-euro-preisfehler-gratis-kopfhoererPosted by samstown23

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

22h ago


From byteseu.com

CDU MP Wanderwitz wants to submit AfD ban motion in autumn

1 1

CDU MP Wanderwitz wants to submit AfD ban motion in autumnhttps://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/wanderwitz-afd-verbot-100.htmlPosted by Uoverclockedmyheart

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

21h ago


From byteseu.com

ABC interview with Joe Biden: Joe Biden rejects independent health review

1 1

ABC interview with Joe Biden: Joe Biden rejects independent health reviewhttps://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2024-07/usa-praesident-joe-biden-abc-interview-schuld-tv-debatte-kandidaturPosted by M______-

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

20h ago


From byteseu.com

Federal budget: Representatives of the CDU and SPD demand improvements to the defense budget

1 1

Federal budget: Representatives of the CDU and SPD demand improvements to the defense budgethttps://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2024-07/haushalt-bundeswehr-verteidigung-nachbesserung-spd-cduPosted by M______-

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

19h ago


From byteseu.com

Social associations appalled by AfD statements on simple language

1 1

Social associations appalled by AfD statements on simple languagehttps://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/sozialverbaende-entsetzt-ueber-afd-aeusserungen-zu-einfacher-sprache-102.htmlPosted by MANFREEEEEED

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

18h ago


From byteseu.com

Toni Kroos: Germany is no longer the country it used to be

1 1

Toni Kroos: Germany is no longer the country it used to behttps://www.schwaebische.de/panorama/toni-kroos-lanz-precht-em-deutschland-migration-2676119Posted by AskinOlayim9

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

17h ago


From byteseu.com

Rudelguckfaden Switzerland/England

1 1

Feel free to add more sources to the comments so we can add them here. Hopp Schwiiz!Switzerland - SRFGermany - ZDFAustria - ORFUK - BBChttps://old.reddit.com/r/de/comments/1dwszye/rudelguckfaden_schweizengland/Posted by WolfThawra

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

16h ago


From byteseu.com

Continuing wolf greetings Berlin police break up Turkish fan march

1 1

Continuing wolf greetings Berlin police break up Turkish fan marchhttps://www.n-tv.de/sport/fussball-em/Berliner-Polizei-bricht-tuerkischen-Fanmarsch-ab-article25068511.htmlPosted by Nastrandir

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

14h ago


From byteseu.com

European Football Championship: Mesut Özil shares picture with wolf salute on Instagram

1 1

European Football Championship: Mesut Özil shares picture with wolf salute on Instagramhttps://www.zeit.de/sport/2024-07/wolfsgruss-mesut-oezil-merih-demiral-em-spiel-tuerkeiPosted by Preisbremse

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

12h ago


From byteseu.com

The Netherlands beat Turkey 2-1 and are in the European Championship semi-finals

1 1

The Netherlands beat Turkey 2-1 and are in the European Championship semi-finalshttps://www.tagesschau.de/sport/niederlande-tuerkei-em-fussball-100.htmlPosted by Classic-Bathroom-781

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

11h ago


From byteseu.com

Summer fairy tale is to blame for the shift to the right? BPB receives shitstorm

1 1

Summer fairy tale is to blame for the shift to the right? BPB receives shitstormhttps://www.n-tv.de/sport/der_sport_tag/Sommermaerchen-ist-schuld-am-Rechtsruck-BPB-kassiert-Shitstorm-article25064199.htmlPosted by allphr

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

10h ago


From byteseu.com

Chinese soldiers land in Belarus

1 1

Chinese soldiers land in Belarushttps://www.n-tv.de/politik/Chinesische-Soldaten-sind-fuer-Militaermanoever-in-Belarus-eingetroffen-article25068698.htmlPosted by Arschhaarfriseur

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

8h ago


From byteseu.com

Number of asylum applications in Germany has fallen significantly

1 1

Number of asylum applications in Germany has fallen significantlyhttps://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/migration-asylantraege-eu-100.htmlPosted by lordhasen

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

8h ago


From byteseu.com

It is difficult to stop pessimism permanently

1 1

It is difficult to stop pessimism permanentlyhttps://www.golem.de/news/kabelnetzbetreiber-schwarzsehen-laesst-sich-dauerhaft-kaum-abstellen-2407-186763.htmlPosted by QuastQuan

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

5h ago


From byteseu.com

Hamburg students: deportation instead of high school diploma

1 1

Hamburg students: deportation instead of high school diplomahttps://taz.de/!6018139/Posted by m4sterP

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

4h ago


From byteseu.com

England defeats Switzerland and moves into the European Championship semi-finals

1 1

England defeats Switzerland and moves into the European Championship semi-finalshttps://www.tagesschau.de/eilmeldung/eilmeldung-7966.htmlPosted by McTrevor79

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

3h ago


From byteseu.com

Speed ​​limit warning becomes mandatory: The botched reporter

1 1

Speed ​​limit warning becomes mandatory: The botched reporterhttps://www.heise.de/meinung/Tempolimit-Warner-wird-Pflicht-Idee-prima-Umsetzung-uebel-9785326.htmlPosted by PoroBraum

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

2h ago


From byteseu.com

Cancer Research Center wants higher taxes on tobacco and sugar

1 1

Cancer Research Center wants higher taxes on tobacco and sugarhttps://regionalheute.de/krebsforschungszentrum-will-hoehere-steuern-auf-tabak-und-zucker-1720258205/Posted by gotshroom

#de #Europe #deutsch #deutschsprechenden

1h ago

Showing first 20 out of 35