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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From marionsmumblings.online

Zooniverse – Sudan Road Access Project - Marion's Mumblings

1 1

I'm an active participant in the Zooniverse community and regularly receive newsletters regarding new projects. In the past I've been involved with Star Notes - helped to transcribe the groundbreaking work of early Harvard astronomers, Galaxy Zoo - helped classify how galaxies formed according...

#blog #science #projects #research #geography #volunteers #zooniverse

18h ago


From whitehouse.gov

Restoring Names That Honor American Greatness – The White House

2 6

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered: Section 1. 

#tv #us #USA #dot #gop #gov #gain #most #Trump #among

on Tue, 3AM


From arstechnica.com

Edge of Mars’ great dichotomy eroded back by hundreds of kilometers

1 8

What may have been an ancient shoreline has signs of a water-driven transformation.

#ctx #dtm #gis #Mars #hrsc #mola #basin #crism #crust #laser

on Mon, 11PM


From appleinsider.com

Apple Maps still calls it the Gulf of Mexico, and politicians are upset.

3 3

President Trump signed an executive order demanding that many landmarks change their names, including the Gulf of Mexico, but Apple Maps hasn't changed. Here's why it isn't quite that simple.

#Maps #Politics #applemaps #geography #placenames #uspolitics #gulfofmexico

19h ago

Showing first 9 out of 9