Jamie Lee Curtis Donates $1 Million to L.A. Fire Relief Efforts
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Jamie Lee Curtis donates $1 million to the LA fires relief fund, as other celebrities and Hollywood begin donating.
#News #lafires #variety #jamieleecurtis
21h ago
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Jamie Lee Curtis got emotional on 'The Tonight Show' Wednesday night while talking about the devastation of the multiple fires raging across L.A.
#News #lafires #variety #jamieleecurtis
on Thu, 2PM
6 Acting Performances Oscars Should Consider, From Jamie Lee Curtis and Josh O’Connor
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Oscar worthy performances for 2025 consideration including Josh O'Connor, Jamie Lee Curtis, Carrie Coon, Michele Austin and more.
#columns #variety #carriecoon #joshoconnor #jamieleecurtis #awardscircuitcolumn
16h ago
Jamie Lee Curtis doneert miljoen dollar aan hulpfonds branden LA
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Jamie Lee Curtis heeft één miljoen dollar geschonken aan het hulpfonds voor de slachtoffers van de bosbranden in Los Angeles. De Oscarwinnares woont in de wijk Pacific Palisades en is net als onder anderen Billy Crystal, James Woods en Paul Verhoeven slachtoffer van de branden die al dagen woeden.
#nieuws #hulpfonds #rtlnieuws #miljoendollar #jamieleecurtis
19h ago
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"It's f***ing gnarly, you guys. It’s just a catastrophe," the actress said Wednesday night, later posting on Instagram that she was in touch with California Gov. Gavin Newsom about where funds are needed.
#News #wildfires #generalnews #jamieleecurtis
20h ago