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#AI #esr #law #oer #erie #lium #birds #lfgss #Canada #lawyer

6h ago


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#omn #kiss #lfgss #cycling #lornawoods #willperrin #onlinesafety

17h ago


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#omn #kiss #lfgss #cycling #lornawoods #willperrin #onlinesafety

on Mar 12, 2023


From alecmuffett.com

Presumably Lorna Woods & @WillPerrin are delighted at saving British children from the “harms” of lycra-clad cyclists

1 1

Heaven forbid that our children seriously get into cycling as a hobby: Microcosm, a web forum hosting service that runs 300 sites including cycling forums and local community hubs, said that the si…

#lfgss #cycling #lornawoods #willperrin #onlinesafety

17h ago


From telegraph.co.uk

Hundreds of websites to shut down under UK’s ‘chilling’ internet laws

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Community pages face closure as lengthy new rules ‘create disproportionate liability’

#uk #osa #lfgss #cycling #privacy #lornawoods #willperrin #onlinesafety #surveillance

on Tue, 4PM


From computing.co.uk

Online Safety Act's obligations spark concern among small site owners

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'It's a disproportionate burden for small sites like ours, and the personal liability is too high’

#uk #osa #lfgss #ofcom #ukpol #onlinesafetyact

16h ago


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#lfgss #cycling #lornawoods #willperrin #onlinesafety

17h ago


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#lfgss #cycling #lornawoods #willperrin #onlinesafety

17h ago

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