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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #frabel


From libretexts.org

Annual LibreFest Workshop Registration Now Open - LibreTexts

1 1

This year’s annual LibreFest workshop hosted by LibreTexts will be held virtually the week of July 8-12, 2024. Sessions will begin at 9 am PST on Monday. Office hours will be held everyday from 8-9 am. There will be time for questions and reflections at the close of each day’s sessions (3-4 pm)...

#oer #open #opened #librefest #libretexts #celebrateopen #freethetextbook #thefutureisopen

10h ago


From forrt.org

Tools for Reproducible Research

1 1

Course summary A minimal standard for data analysis and other scientific computations is that they be reproducible: that the code and data are assembled in a way so that another group can re-create all of the results (e.g., the figures in a paper). The i

#oer #foerrt #OpenScience

20h ago


From twillo.de

Aussagen- und Prädikatenlogik – edu-sharing

1 1

Die vorliegende Lernplattform ist eine Begleitung zum Lehrbuch Aussagen- und Prädikatenlogik von Gottfried Vosgerau und Raphael van Riel (2018). Der Kurs lie...

#oer #oerde #FediLZ #moodle #academia #FediCampus #academiaedu #openeducation #pradikatenlogik #academicmastodon

on Wed, 7AM

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