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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From sportingtimes.ng

Donnarumma suffers horror injury in PSG, Monaco clash | Sporting Times

1 1

Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma had to be taken off and required stitches to stop heavy bleeding from his face after a nasty collision with Wilfried

#PSG #monaco #donnarumma

10h ago


From am730.com.hk

法甲|巴黎聖日耳門破摩納哥 當拿隆馬慘遭踩傷臉 | am730

1 1

意大利門將的基安盧基當拿隆馬(Gianluigi Donnarumma)在歇冬前受重傷。於法甲今年的「收爐」戰,巴黎聖日耳門以4:2擊敗爭標對手的摩納哥,但當拿隆馬在一次對手的攻門時被對手的鞋釘踩中臉部重創而被換出。 法甲聯賽在踢完周三(18日)的獨腳戲就歇冬,到明年復戰。榜首的聖日耳門作客摩納哥作為今年的「收爐

#injury #monaco #football

20h ago

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