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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From verdantsquare.com

Justice’s Cost: One Broken Body - Verdant Square Network

1 1

Schism comes to inevitable violence in Nigeria as two churches clash over LGBTQ+ equality. The story is an old one that shows justice's cost remains high.

#vsn #lgbtq #schism #justice #nigeria #religion #violence #methodists

2h ago


From redpacketsecurity.com

Nigeria Takes Action Against Cryptocurrency Investment Fraud and Romance Scams - RedPacket Security

1 1

A network of 792 individuals has been apprehended in Lagos, Nigeria's largest city, for their suspected involvement in a major cryptocurrency fraud scheme and

#fraud #nigeria #threatintel #cryptocurrency

14h ago


From ciso2ciso.com

Nigeria Cracks Down on Cryptocurrency Investment Fraud and Romance Scams – Source: www.infosecurity-magazine.com

1 1

Source: www.infosecurity-magazine.com - Author: A network of 792 people has been arrested in Lagos, Nigeria’s most populated city, for their alleged invol

#nigeria #CyberSecurityNews #infosecuritymagazine #rssfeedpostgeneratorecho

18h ago


From rfi.fr

Nigeria: 600 000 personnes assassinées et 2 millions d’autres kidnappées en un an, selon une étude nationale

1 1

C'est la première fois que le Bureau national des statistiques du Nigeria publie une étude de ce genre : intitulée « Enquête sur la criminalité et la perception de la sécurité », elle a été réalisée…

#press #nigeria #securite #criminalite #revuedepresse

4h ago

Showing first 12 out of 12