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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From github.io

Liquid Shape Distortions

9 9

psychedelic animation generator; (p)art of your next trip

#fx #cgi #lsd #web #code #math #amiga #retro #coding #github

21h ago


From theoasisbbs.com

Commander X16 vs. MEGA65 Core – Which 8-Bit Machine Wins? - The Oasis BBS

1 1

A head-to-head comparison of the Commander X16 and MEGA65 Core, breaking down their hardware, software, nostalgia factor, and more. Which one is the best for gamers, programmers, and tinkerers?

#mega65 #retrotech #8bitgaming #commodore64 #commodore65 #commanderx16 #fpgacomputing #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #homebrewcomputers

3h ago

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