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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From youtube.com

AI Trump: Declaration of Independence

2 2

Trump's Supreme Court has rendered the Declaration of Independence null and void. The Court has turned Donald Trump into the very King our Founders risked th...


8h ago


From castbox.fm

Best free podcast app for Apple iOS and Android | Let words move you

1 3

Millions of podcasts for all topics. Listen to the best free podcast on Android, Apple iOS, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Carplay, Android Auto, PC. Create...

#satire #ukelections

18h ago


From youtube.com

Election Special. 5: Labour

8 8

In his final rant before the election, Pie decides who to vote for.

#GoVote #comedy #satire #brexitland #ukelection #HumanRights #johathanpie #labourparty #voterapathy #votingthetoriesout

16h ago


From der-postillon.com

"Also, ich hätte jetzt doch Zeit": Rangnick ruft beim FC Bayern an

2 2

Leipzig (dpo) - Nur wenige Minuten nach dem Achtelfinal-Aus der österreichischen Nationalmannschaft gegen die Türkei hat Nationaltrainer Ralf Rangnick

#auttur #rangni #satire #euro2024 #derpostillon

20h ago


From thehardtimes.net

Every Muppet Ranked by How Well They Could Replace Biden

2 3

Any Muppet would be an improvement over either current candidate, but which anthropomorphic foam animal is best suited for the job? We’ve crunched the numbers and ranked them all by their viability as candidates, from better than Trump or Biden to much better than Trump or Biden.

#Funny #USpol #satire #muppets

on Tue, 10PM


From babylonbee.com

Awkward: Biden, Trump Bump Into Each Other At Same Tanning Salon

1 1

ARLINGTON, VA — Presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump avoided eye contact after bumping into each other at a local tanning salon this week.


11h ago


From theonion.com

Biden Spends Press Conference Gnawing On Extension Cord

2 2

WASHINGTON—With the insulated electrical cord clenched firmly in his jaws, President Joe Biden spent an entire press conference Wednesday gnawing on an extension cord. The White House press corps was reportedly rapt as they observed the president working at the durable plastic coating with his...

#Biden #satire #theonion

20h ago


From theonion.com

New Trump Ad Shows Montage Of People He’ll Kill If Elected

5 5

PHOENIX—Following this week’s landmark Supreme Court ruling granting presidents broad immunity against criminal prosecution for official acts, Donald Trump’s campaign released an ad Wednesday that consists solely of a montage of people he will have killed if elected in November. The largely...

#gop #Trump #satire #theonion #barelysatire #partyofstupid #pendejoinchief #christofascists

17h ago


From babylonbee.com

‘We Can’t Let A Convicted Felon In The White House,’ Biden Tells Hunter

1 1

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As the race for the presidency intensified, an administration insider disclosed that President Biden warned his son, Hunter, that allowing a convicted felon to be in the White House would be a disgrace and disastrous for the country.


9h ago


From abc.net.au

Australia's highest air pressure on record observed as monster high engulfs the nation

6 6

The abnormal pressure is having a significant impact on the nation's weather, including extreme low overnight temperatures over south-east states and a lengthy stretch of showery days along the eastern seaboard.

#Karma #satire #weather #nonlinear #pessimist #fossilfools #misanthropy #tomsaunders #biodiversity #statecapture

5h ago


From chaser.com.au

US Supreme Court rules that only the president is allowed to get an abortion – The Chaser

1 2

"No one who actually has a uterus should be allowed to make that choice for themselves, but luckily at this point we doubt one will ever become president."

#USpol #satire

on Tue, 7AM


From babylonbee.com

Man Successfully Corrects Someone's Grammar But Oh No! Now He Doesn't Have Any Friends!

1 1

MILWAUKEE, WI — Sources close to local man Peter Thompson say that the self-appointed guardian of proper language scored big-time last week by successfully correcting someone else's grammar, but tragically lost not just one, but all two of his former friends as a result of his irritating dedication.


13h ago


From betootaadvocate.com

Cost Of Living, Housing And Energy Crises Far Less Of A Priority Than Disciplining Representative Politician

2 2

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT The people in charge of running the country have today reiterated that they are focused on the big stuff. The federal government of Australia have done so by spending the second day in a row talking about their decision to boot a young woman from their party...

#albo #satire #nonukes #shitparty #whyislabor #womensrights #climatecrisis #fsckoffdutton #shitliteparty #betootaadvocate

on Wed, 7AM

Showing first 18 out of 18