Licensee Spotlight: The Foils of Power for Savage Worlds | Pinnacle Entertainment Group
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Looking for a straightforward, fun, fantasy adventure? Something with a simple core, which your party can develop in their own unique way? Interested in something you can run for newcomers, with exciting encounters and evocative situations? From "Ace" licensee Up to Four Players and...
#News #licensee #newrelease #savageworldslicensees
20h ago
Licensee Spotlight: Beneath the Pyramid's Shadow for Savage Worlds | Pinnacle Entertainment Group
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In the apocalyptic horror setting Beneath the Pyramid's Shadow from Ace licensee Hardy Tales, desperate heroes fight for freedom and survival in a world beset by eldritch horrors and crumbling into ruin: "Two years ago, a massive, rust-colored pyramid
#News #zine #licensee #kickstarter #savageworlds #savageworldslicensees
21h ago