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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From syncfusion.com

Unlock Insights on Export Trends with a .NET MAUI Toolkit Stacked Area Chart | Syncfusion Blogs

3 3

This blog explains how to visualize Saudi Arabia's export trends across continents using the .NET MAUI Toolkit Stacked Area Chart.

#ux #xaml #charts #csharp #dotnet #mobiledev #dotnetmaui #syncfusion

2h ago


From opencloud.lu

LibreOffice Podcast, Episode #2 – Design and UX in Free and Open Source Software

3 3

Heiko Tietze and Mike Saunders from The Document Foundation, the non-profit organisation behind LibreOffice, discuss design and UX in free and open source software (FOSS). • Join our marketing comm...

#ui #podcast #opensource #libreoffice #ux #design

2h ago


From github.com

GitHub - mabel-dev/opteryx: 🦖 A SQL-on-everything Query Engine you can execute over multiple databases and file formats. Query your data, where it lives.

1 1

🦖 A SQL-on-everything Query Engine you can execute over multiple databases and file formats. Query your data, where it lives. - mabel-dev/opteryx

#ux #sql #foss #python #databases #opensource

on Nov 20


From lunaweb.fr

Divination UX - Jeu de tarot scientifique

1 1

Téléchargez notre jeu de cartes de tarot pour prédire les usages de vos utilisateurs.

#ux #design

8h ago

Showing first 7 out of 9