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From t.me

Mundo Multipolar

4 11

Un mundo multipolar se avecina🪖. Canal ProPalestino, ProRuso, ProIraní, ProChino ProejeMultipolar. ♥️🇷🇺🇨🇳🇮🇷🇸🇾🇵🇸🇰🇵🇧🇾🇱🇧🇾🇪🇳🇮🇻🇪🇨🇺🇧🇴+ Sigue nuestro enlace directo: @MundoMultipolarBot

#gaza #Yemen #Israel #haredim #israeli #telaviv #sionista #israelies #netanyahu #palestinas

on Aug 23

From globalnews.ca

Israel says it struck Houthi rebels in Yemen’s capital and ports - National | Globalnews.ca

3 3

The Israeli military said it attacked infrastructure used by the Houthis at the international airport in Sanaa and ports at Hodeida, Al-Salif and Ras Qantib.

#Yemen #sanaa #alsalif #attacks #hodeida #conflict #military #world #Israel #houthis

7h ago

From dw.com

Israel strikes Sanaa airport, power stations, ports in Yemen – DW – 12/26/2024

2 2

Israel's military said it had targeted "infrastructure used by the Houthi terrorist regime for its military activities." These included Sanaa's international airport, two power stations, and several western ports.

#News #Yemen #sanaa #Israel #houthi #middleeast

2h ago

From who.int

Statement by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General on the attack on the Sana'a airport, Yemen

2 2

Our mission to negotiate the release of the United Nations staff detainees and to assess the health and humanitarian situation in Yemen concluded today. We continue to call for the detainees' immediate release. As we were about to board our flight from Sana’a, about three hours ago (around 5 pm...

#dg #WHO #sana #Yemen #attack #flight #airport #statement #Bombardment

4h ago

From almayadeen.net

Fuerzas de Yemen poseen misiles suficientes para dos años

1 1

La falta de inteligencia representa el principal problema de “Israel” al enfrentar a Yemen, señaló exjefe del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional de la entidad sionista.

#Yemen #Israel #sionista

2h ago

From un.org

WHO chief unharmed following Israeli airstrike at Yemen airport

1 1

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organization, has described the scene in Sana’a, Yemen, on Thursday, after Israeli aircraft bombed the airport, reportedly killing two people.

#WHO #Yemen #chief #airport #israeli #airstrike

3h ago

From nuevarevolucion.es

Colombianos de rumba en Sudán

1 1

Desde hace algunas semanas, medios colombianos están denunciando que muchos de sus compatriotas se han incorporado a la guerra civil de Sudán, que, desde abril del año pasado, está demoliendo el país africano.

#otan #Sudan #Yemen #ucrania #ultraderecha #arabiasaudita

4h ago

From twuai.com

Israel lanza ataques aéreos contra objetivos hutíes en Yemen en respuesta a misiles

1 1

El 26 de diciembre de 2024, #Israel llevó a cabo una serie de ataques aéreos en #Yemen, dirigidos contra infraestructuras controladas por los hutíes, incluyendo el aeropuerto de Saná y otras instalaciones clave. Esta ofensiva es una represalia por los recientes...

#Yemen #Israel #huties

6h ago

From t.me

Los Sombreros Blancos [Z]

1 1

🇾🇪 Yemen desmantela las redes de espionaje de la CIA y el Mossad Las instituciones de seguridad de Yemen han neutralizado redes de espionaje vinculadas a la CIA y el Mossad. Estas redes tenían como objetivo rastrear misiles, drones, posiciones militares, figuras clave y reclutar espías dentro...

#cia #Yemen #mossad #yemeni

6h ago

From g4media.ro

Trei morţi și 11 răniți în atacuri israeliene în Yemen. Șeful Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății, în siguranţă după un bombardament la aeroportul din Sanaa

1 1

Trei persoane au fost ucise şi 11 rănite în atacuri comise joi de Israel asupra Aeroportului Internaţional Sanaa şi a altor locuri din Yemen controlate de

#Yemen #Israel #știri

6h ago

From huffingtonpost.es

Israel bombardea varios objetivos en Yemen en respuesta a los recientes ataques de los hutíes

1 1

La aviación israelí lanzó un ataque 'basado en inteligencia' contra infraestructuras utilizadas por los hutíes en el aeropuerto de Saná, las centrales energéticas de Hezyaz y Ras Kanatib.

#Yemen #Israel #global

7h ago

From almayadeen.net

Yemen uncovers CIA, Mossad spy network, arrests agents

1 1

Yemen's security forces have exposed a network of spies linked to the CIA and Mossad, revealing attempts to undermine the country’s sovereignty. The operation targeted military leaders and figures opposed to "Israel" and the US, according to a statement.

#us #cia #Spies #Yemen #press #Israel #mossad #arrests #exposed #mujalli

14h ago

From substack.com

The Axis is not Broken and the War is not Over; it is Only About to Begin

1 1

From Yemen to Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, and from Ireland to Spain and the Hague, even with full US support, Israel's genocidal expansionism delays judgement but has yet to defeat a single enemy

#eu #uk #us #axis #Yemen #hamas #press #Israel #empire #zionism

15h ago