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From bbc.com

Ukraine war: Ukrainians struggle as power outages worsen

18 18

Russia is pummelling Ukraine's energy grid, forcing Ukrainians to live and work by torch light.

#bbcnews #UkraineWar #Russia #ukraine #bbc #News #press

20h ago

From bbc.com

Gaza war: 'Breakthrough' heightens hopes of ceasefire deal

15 19

Surprise resumption of talks puts warring sides closest to agreement for months.

#gaza #bbcnews #ceasefire #bbc #News #press

on Fri, 5PM

From bbc.com

Iran election: Hardliner faces reformist in presidential run-off

13 28

A former heart surgeon is hoping to win clash with establishment rival.

#Iran #bbcnews #pezeshkian #iranreforms #iranelection #globalpolitics

on Fri, 1AM

From bbc.com

Vladimir Kara-Murza: Russian dissident 'moved to Russian prison hospital'

4 9

Vladimir Kara-Murza's wife has frequently expressed worries about his health.

#poison #bbcnews #lawyers #karamurza #kara_murza #russian

on Fri, 5PM

From bbc.com

Andrew and Tristan Tate free to leave Romania but not the EU

3 10

The brothers' are still awaiting trial for and their new freedom of movement is subject to appeal

#bbc #News #tate #press #bbcnews #romania

on Fri, 4PM

From bbc.com

Rachel Reeves: 'There's not a huge amount of money'

3 13

The new chancellor says she has inherited a depleted economy that will create a “challenge” for Labour.

#press #reeves #bbcnews

on Fri, 1PM

From bbc.co.uk

BBC iPlayer - Watch BBC Two live

2 6

Watch BBC Two live on BBC iPlayer.

#press #bbcnews #UutisBotEN

on Feb 12

From bbc.co.uk

Sudan war: 'I thought I had no future'

1 1

A primary school in Chad is providing an opportunity for thousands of Sudanese refugees to resume learning.

#Sudan #bbcnews

12h ago

From bbc.com

Kenya X Spaces: President William Ruto to engage with protesters in online chat

1 5

In a historic move, President Ruto is hosting an online forum for young people to air their complaints.

#kenyan #bbcnews #kenyaprotests

on Fri, 11AM