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From bylinetimes.com

'No, Gen Z Do Not Want to Be Ruled by a Dictator'

3 4

The media has been full of incredibly dubious claims that young people want to be ruled by a dictatorship. The reality is very different, argues Natasha Devon

#ideas #women #world #politics #democracy #nonbinary #political #philosophy #fascism

on Feb 15

From cyberpunk.lol

ctrlaltglitch (@ctrlaltglitch@cyberpunk.lol)

2 2

** MUTUAL AID REQUEST ** Please boost :boost_request: I am a trans nonbinary, neurodivergent disabled individual (ME/CFS) who is currently unable to work due to ongoing health issues. I am in the process of working on my disability case, and waiting for my appeal hearing. In the meantime, I...

#trans #disabled #mutualaid #nonbinary #disability #fedimutualaid #lgbtcrowdfund #lgbtqmutualaid #neurodivergent #transcrowdfund

on Feb 16

From misskey.design

一次創作 misskey.design

1 1

<h3>一次創作が主役のサーバーです!</h3> <p>イラスト・漫画・小説・音楽・ゲームetc</br>さまざまな創作を応援しています。</br>(※二次創作の投稿も一定のルールを守れば許可しています)</p> <p>創作者はもちろん、創作物を楽しむ方の</br>参加も歓迎します!</p> <p style="font-size: 20px;"><a href="https://terms.misskey.design/" style="color: red;text-decoration-style: underline;"...

#nonbinary #透明水彩 #ノンバイナリー

9h ago

From misskey.design

一次創作 misskey.design

1 1

<h3>一次創作が主役のサーバーです!</h3> <p>イラスト・漫画・小説・音楽・ゲームetc</br>さまざまな創作を応援しています。</br>(※二次創作の投稿も一定のルールを守れば許可しています)</p> <p>創作者はもちろん、創作物を楽しむ方の</br>参加も歓迎します!</p> <p style="font-size: 20px;"><a href="https://terms.misskey.design/" style="color: red;text-decoration-style: underline;"...

#nonbinary #透明水彩 #ノンバイナリー

9h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#music #queer #nonbinary

10h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#poc #lgbt #queer #atheist #nonbinary #bigfreedia #genderfluid #gendernonconforming

20h ago

From cyberpunk.lol

ctrlaltglitch (@ctrlaltglitch@cyberpunk.lol)

1 3

** MUTUAL AID REQUEST ** Please boost :boost_request: I am a trans nonbinary, neurodivergent disabled individual (ME/CFS) who is currently unable to work due to ongoing health issues. I am in the process of working on my disability case, and waiting for my appeal hearing. In the meantime, I...

#trans #disabled #mutualaid #nonbinary #disability #fedimutualaid #lgbtcrowdfund #lgbtqmutualaid #neurodivergent #transcrowdfund

on Feb 15

From nailsthatglow.com

This is my B-Day month

1 1

You heard me. I am getting older. I tell people I am hundreds of years old and I lie about my age online. I also lie so much about my age that when I fill in official documents I get it wrong the first time quite often. ...

#hrt #blog #goth #life #daily #queer #trans #selfie #journal #lgbtqia

on Sep 6