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From theguardian.com

Uncertainty is part of being human, so how can we learn to live with it?

1 7

A professor of statistics explains that living is about taking risks and not knowing the outcome, and why it’s important to accept and embrace that

#risk #decision #modeling #prediction #statistics #forecasting #probability #rationality #uncertainty

on Sun, 1PM

From clearerthinking.org

What is Dysrationalia, and why trust can make you irrational

1 1

Why do smart people fall for stupid things? This week, we’re going to discuss an important part of the answer to that question: trust. And, in doing so, we’ll also discuss how to trust people more rationally and introduce you to the concept of dysrationalia.Trust Can Make Us IrrationalIt's easy...

#trust #rational #irrational #rationality

on Oct 18

From psyche.co

How conspiracy theories bypass people’s rationality | Psyche Ideas

1 1

Prior research has focused on the negative reasons people are drawn to conspiracies, but there’s another side to the story

#conspiracy #psychology #rationality #conspiracytheories

on Dec 4, 2023