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From romanempiretimes.com

Saturnalia: The Roman Festival that Inspired the Spirit of Christmas

1 1

Was Saturnalia of the ancient Romans what Christmas is for us today? The two have a lot in common. How was Saturnalia celebrated?

#romanempire #romanempirehistoricalfacts

on Tue, 10PM

From archaeologymag.com

14-kilogram Roman chainmail found near Bonn reveals local craftworkers’ role in armor repair

1 1

A 14-kilogram cache of Roman mail armor found in Germany, reveals how soldiers maintained and recycled equipment far from supply hubs.

#archeology #archaeology #romanempire

on Dec 12

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists urge vigilance as melting snow in Western Norway reveals ancient artifacts

1 1

Archaeologists in western Norway warn that melting snow may reveal archaeological artifacts, offering a glimpse into the region's past.

#archaeology #romanempire #moreogromsdal #archaeologynews #ancientartifacts

on Aug 26