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Rare-earth Metal-organic frameworks (RE-MOFs) are known for their efficient photoluminescent properties and has been synthesized by various time consuming synthetic methodologies. In this work, we have addressed the synthesis of RE-MOFs via a novel Monomode microwave assisted route to yield MOFs...
12h ago
Charge Transfer and Recombination Pathways through Fullerene Guests in Porphyrin-based MOFs
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Porphyrin-based metal organic frameworks (MOFs) offer a unique platform for building porous donor-acceptor networks that exhibit conductive behavior and/or long-lived charge separation upon incorporation of electron acceptor guest species. Here, porphyrin-based MOFs, PCN-222(H2) and PCN-222(Zn),...
2h ago
Revisiting the effect of trypsin digestion buffers on artificial deamidation
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Deamidation of asparagine and glutamine residues occurs spontaneously, is influenced by pH, temperature, and incubation time, and can be accelerated by adjacent amino acid residues. Incubation conditions used for proteolytic digestion in bottom-up proteomic studies can induce significant...
5h ago