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7 125
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From csoonline.com

Kaspersky software ban: CISOs must move quickly, experts say

4 6

With the October deadline looming, CISOs would be well-advised to start planning their migrations to other security products.

on Thu, 7AM

From csoonline.com

Ransomware: Hackerangriff auf deutschen Kekshersteller Lambertz

1 2

Der Backwarenhersteller Lambertz ist Ziel einer Ransomware-Attacke geworden. Die Täter wollen 800 Gigabyte Daten gestohlen haben.

on Thu, 10PM

From csoonline.com

New campaign uses malware ‘cluster bomb’ to effect maximum impact

1 2

A single infection is being used to deliver a group of similarly behaving malware using a common loader.

#infosec #cybersecurity

on Tue, 2PM

From csoonline.com

Organizations with outdated security approaches getting hammered: Cloudflare

1 1

A new report suggests that DDoS attacks continue to increase in number and that web apps and APIs remain vulnerable spots that security teams can’t keep up with.

on Jun 25

(Showing 4 out of 4.)